Saule Zhadigerovna Rakhmetullina
S. Rakhmetullina, candidate of technical sciences, holder of the title "Best Teacher of 2014".
In 1991 she graduated from the Faculty of Applied Mathematics at the Novosibirsk State University, majoring in “Mechanics of Applied Mathematics”.
Since 2004 she studied at the postgraduate course of EKSTU, after graduating she worked at the Department of Information Systems as a senior lecturer, assistant professor, and served as deputy head of the department.
In 2012, she was appointed Head of the Chair of Mathematical and Computer Modeling, headed the Situation and Analytical Center, the Department of Strategy for Development and Monitoring.
Research interests: modeling of complex processes, development of information monitoring systems, she participated in 6 state budget and 3 contractual research projects, including two projects carried out jointly with the Institute of Computational Mathematics of Mathematical Geophysics of the SB RAS.
She actively participates in international projects aimed at improving the quality of higher education, coordinated the TEMPUS project "Quality of Engineering Education in Central Asia, member of the working group of the project" EQF-based professional ICT training for Russia and Kazakhstan and was upgarding qualification in Nazarbayev University "Professional Development Program for Higher Education leaders of Kazakhstan".
Since November 30, 2017, the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan appointed Co-rector for Academic Work
Reception: 8 (7232) 54-04-95
Reception: [email protected]