Scientific-research work of the department is conducted in several directions:
- "Computational Mathematics", (supervisor of studies Baigereyev D.R.);
- "Generalized computability", (supervisor doctor PhD, associate professor Latkin I.V.);
- "Development of methods and algorithms for image recognition to assess the qualitative composition of mineral rocks in the mining industry" (supervisor, professor, candidate of physical and mathematical sciences, Baklanova O. E.).
The international cooperation
The chair strives for international cooperation with leading universities of near and far abroad:
- F.M. Dostoevsky Omsk State University;
- National research Novosibirsk State University;
- Altai State University;
- University of Siena (Italy);
- National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University.
This year, all the works submitted to the contest for master students of the “6M070500 - Mathematical and Computer Modeling” specialty, performed under the guidance of our university teachers, won prizes:
- work of Zhasbolatov Duman, 1st year master student, entitled “Creating a differential diagnosis of liver disease” (supervisor: Uvalieva I.M., PhD, associate professor of the Department of Information Technology) was awarded the 2nd degree Diploma of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
- work of Ryspayev Adil, 1st year master student, entitled “Voice Recognition Management System” (supervisor: Baklanova O.Ye., candidate of Phys. Math. Sc., Professor of the Department of Mathematical and Computer Modeling) was awarded the 2nd degree Diploma of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
- work of Ryzhkova Yelena, 2nd year master student, entitled “Development and research of computer vision algorithms for visual control of geometric parameters of objects (determining the boundaries of the part contour)” (supervisor: Baklanova O.Ye., candidate of Phys. Math. Sc., Professor of the Department of Mathematical and Computer Modeling) was awarded the 3rd degree diploma of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan.