Educational program "6М070500 - Mathematical and computer modeling" Скачать download

As a result of the completion of training, graduates will be able to work as experts in the field of construction and research of mathematical models of a wide variety of systems and processes, allowing to predict the evolution of the systems under study, and thereby verify the correctness of the decisions (control actions) made.

Areas of graduates:

  •  network administration, development of Internet applications;
  •  practical and research activities in areas (science, technology, economics and management) using mathematical methods and computer technologies;
  •  analysis and forecasting, planning in large enterprises, banks;
  •  carrying out settlement, analytical and financial operations on the basis of modern mathematical and information technologies in private firms and associations, banks;
  • mathematical and computer modeling of economic and technical systems, municipal, regional and state information centers.

Directions of study:

  • profile: Master of Engineering and Technology - 1.5 years;
  • scientific and pedagogical direction: Master of Technical Sciences - 2 years;

Assessment of rating agencies:

  • 2014 – 2nd place according to the estimates of the IAAR of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
  • 2015 – 3rd place according to the estimates of the IAAR of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
  • 2016 – 3rd place according to the estimates of the IAAR of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
  • 2017 – 3rd place according to the estimates of the IAAR of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
  • 2018 – 3rd place according to the estimates of the IAAR of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
  • 2018 – 2nd place according to the RRA.

Specialty «6M060100 – Mathematics»

Master's in the specialty 6M060100 - Mathematics was opened at the Department of Higher Mathematics in 2001 on the basis of license AA № 0000018 and orders of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated July 8, 2002 No. 536; From 03.08.2001 № 643.

The educational program of the specialty 6M060100 - Mathematics in 2015 passed specialized accreditation with NAAR No. АВ0574 from 01.06.2015

In the Master's program, specialists are trained in the educational programs "Algebra and Mathematical Logic" and "Computational Mathematics". Magistrates have a good fundamental base, deep knowledge gained in the training process.

The main users of the program in the specialty 6M060100 - Mathematics and stakeholders are: