Educational program

More details
Code – Speciality 7M08301 - Forest Resources and Forestry
The aim of the educational program

The formation of general and special competencies necessary for application in the field of forestry and landscaping of populated areas during scientific, industrial and educational activities in modern conditions of industrial development, including knowledge, skills and practical skills in this industry.

Graduate model
Graduate qualification Professional sphere:

«Консультационные услуги по анализу, состоянию и перспективам развития лесного хозяйства в Казахстане»
- методов ведения лесосеменного дела, организации постоянной лесосеменной базы на селекционно-генетической основе;
- организационно-управленческая: предусматривает овладение профессиональными компьютерными программами в области организации и управле-ния лесного хозяйства; изучение форм, принципов и стратегии пред¬принимательской и финансовой деятельности в условиях конкуренции и бизнеса
The object of professional occupation:

КАЗНИИЛХ, Департамент лесного хозяйства МСХ РК,все лесохозяйсттвенные предпрития РК, республиканские, областные, районные государственные учреждения лесного хозяйства; акционерные общества,
производственные кооперативы, товарищества с ограниченной ответственностью, фирмы по направлению озеленения и лесного хозяйства; научно-исследовательские учреждения в сфере лесного хозяйства; высшее, средне-профессиональные учебные заведения; предприятия по переработке древесины;
Types of professional occupation:

организация работ по охране лесов, главному, промежуточному и рекреационному лесопользованию, созданию лесных культур и выращиванию посадочного материала, озеленению населенных мест.
Functions of professional occupation:

Осуществление функций по контролю над качеством и проведение лесохозяйственных, лесокультурных и озеленительных работ, лесохозяйственных, лесокультурных, лесомелиоративных, озеленительных работ и производства приемки выполненных научно-исследовательских работ.
Graduate competences map
Formed core competencies Program outcome
1. The ability to navigate the key problems of science, its functions and laws of development, combining scientific and methodological identity with a worldview orientation To identify the main problems in the field of philosophy and describe the role of the methodology of science; to describe the current topical methodological, methodological problems in the field of forestry
2. Ability to plan and organize activities for the protection and protection of forests Know the rules for the use of objects of national heritage that have special environmental, scientific, cultural, aesthetic, recreational and health-improving significance
Be able to organize and carry out measures for the prevention, timely detection and elimination of forest fires, as well as the determination of the damage caused
3. Ability to use foreign languages fluently as a means of professional communication. Speak a foreign language at the level of international standards C1-C2 and grammatical characteristics of scientific style; be able to work in an international environment.
4. Ability to systematically analyze and select educational concepts Possess basic knowledge of pedagogy and psychology in higher education, describe the modern paradigm of higher education.
5. Knowledge and ability to apply the principles of formation of plantings and plant compositions in residential areas Organize and carry out work on the design and operation of landscape architecture objects, the creation and reconstruction of green spaces and parks in residential areas.
6. The ability to use scientific research methods to identify structural and functional relationships in forest ecosystems and assess the main elements of forest resources To know the basic principles of rational sustainable use of natural resources, methods of preserving the productivity and ecological functions of the forest, conservation of biological and landscape diversity
To know and implement innovative technologies, technological equipment and software for accounting and evaluation of forest resources and benefits into the practice of forest management
7. Ability to analyze, develop and use scientific research methods in forestry practice To know the priority areas of scientific research, the methodology of conducting experiments in forestry, methods of their evaluation and presentation of results
8. The ability to use biotechnology methods to improve the efficiency of forestry and expand the technological base of intensive forest reproduction To know and apply methods of biotechnology and genetic engineering for the conservation and reproduction of forest genetic resources, accelerated creation of improved plant forms with specified characteristics; assessment and monitoring of the phytosanitary condition of forests, creation of biological means of forest protection
9. Knowledge and ability to explain the principles of forest formation for recreational use Possess basic knowledge of the design, creation, operation and reconstruction of recreational landscape architecture facilities
10. Knowledge and ability to obtain source material for forest reproduction and afforestation and use it for the formation of woodlands To know modern methods of obtaining seeds with valuable hereditary properties and high sowing qualities; to apply innovative technologies for growing planting material of tree and shrub species for forest reproduction and afforestation
To know and possess modern methods of forest cultivation in accordance with the principles of forest-growing zoning and the patterns of development of forest biogeocenoses, structural and functional relationships in forest ecosystems
Modular Curriculum