There are 10 teachers who work as a supervisor and mentor of the group at the "Finance, accounting and taxation" department. All supervisors do the curators hours in their groups in accordance with the directions of the educational work of the department. Also they look after the students' progress and do the following works.
During a year supervisors and mentors are in the contact with the students' parents. Parents of active and well studying students receive thanksgiving letters. Supervisors O.I. Grigoryeva and G.I. Dzhempeisova held department days in February 2015 on topics:
- Individual entrepreneurship: registration and taxation;
- Crediting of little business in terms of economic industrial-innovative development.
In the 2014-2015 academic year, supervisors E.S. Madiyarova and G.I. Dzhempeisova held open curators hours where they invited teachers, representative of the dean's office and the Department of EW.
Supervisors of the department during the academic year held events dedicated to important dates: "70 Years of Victory in the Great Patriotic War 1941-1945», the 170th anniversary of Abay Kunanbayuly", "550 years of the Kazakh Khanate", "20th anniversary of the Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan", "20 years of Kazakhstan People's Assembly", "Election of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan".
June 4, 2015, students of 13- BF-1 Rakisheva D., 13-BU-1, Bazikenova A., 12 PMCU 1 Erzhanқyzy A. actively participated in the city essay competition " The symbols of my country - my pride", dedicated to the Day of the state symbols.
Every year, teachers of the department have courses on pedagogical skills.
Students of curatorial groups take part in the work of the Board of the student government faculty.
According to the results of 2015 - 2016 academic year, the group 12-BFK-1, which is under the supervision of Madiyarova E.S., won the competition "The best curatorial group" and was awarded a certificate of merit and a trip to the winter holidays in Astana.