The University of Shanghai Organization of Collaboration
The University SOC is the commonwealth of institution of higher education of the states-members of Shanghai organization of collaboration, that are interacting on the base of agreements directed to settle the following tasks:
- Enlarge the exchange of students and scientific- pedagogic specialists;
- Enlarging science- academic collaboration;
- Implementation modern educational methods and technologies;
- Creating mechanisms of recognition and equivalence of educational documents of the University SOC by the states- members of Shanghai organization and world educational community.
The University must operate as the net of already existing universities in the states-members of SOC, and also in the countries observers(Mongolia, India, Iran, Pakistan).
Personnel training ofhighqualificationwithintheframeworkofSOCUniversitymust becarriedoutaccordingtothepriorityorientedspheresofcultural, scientific-educationalandeconomicalcollaborationofthestates-membersof theorganization.
On the assumption of the interests of states-members of SOC it is quite reasonable to introduce the following directions of preparation:
- Studying Region
- Ecology,
- Power engineering ,
- IT-technologies.
In the following as agreed educational institutions of state-members other directions will be introduced and the set of specialties will be specified
D.SerikbaevEast Kazakhstan State Technical Universityis a university – coordinator on the direction of «IT-technologies» on joint preparing masters of the program «6M070300- Information systems».
Institute coordinator of the program according to the direction , its interest will be presented by him both in the country and on the international level.
His duties are:
- Coordination the activity between institutions within the country ;
- Coordination the programs of foreign national institutions;
- Keeping the connection with the national Ministry of education and science and work group of the University SOC;
- Running and keeping current records concerning the direction of preparation;
- Keeping the connection and providing the presidentship of SOC University with materials.
EKSTU takes an active part in all the events concerning University SOC
The conference "University of SCO - New Horizons for distance education: experience, practice and prospects " was held in Karaganda on 10-12 of April on the basis of the Karaganda Economic University of Kazakhstan consumers’ union. Read more
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