IV 2007-2013
D. Serikbayev EKSTU ВКГТУ within the frame of the program TEMPUS – IV is implementing the project STUDIK 516802 –TEMPUS -1-2011-1-KZ-TEMPUS-SMGR “STUdents self-governance & Democratic Involvement in Kazakhstan”
Project coordinator at the university: Bakyt Zlobin, tel./fax: (7232) 540-567
The amount of grant is 1 082 274, 43 €
Deadline for the project implementation is October, 15th 2011 - Jule, 14th 2015
STUDIK project aims at development and strengthening student self-governance and democratic involvement at Kazakh universities. The approach includes four specific objectives:
- Increase knowledge on state-of-the-art of student self-governance in Kazakhstan and European Union (EU) countries to build bridges for transferring EU experience and enable models to be implemented;
- Create and improve a general understanding and acceptance for student involvement in university processes by students, high-ranking university and ministerial officials;
- Create motivation mechanisms and strengthen capacity of students to organise themselves in student boards and upgrade their impact at Kazakh universities and society at large;
- Create suitable legal and institutional frame for student self-governance at Kazakh universities
Listed objectives are substantiated by following outcomes:
- Comparative analysis;
- Definition of target groups/stakeholders;
- Installation &development of infrastructure;
- Workshops & Promotion of Student Self-Governance;
- Set-up of legal conditions for student self-governance;
- Implementation of student self-governance in Kazakhstan.
Partners of consortium of STUDIK:
- University of International Business- project coordinator;
- L.N.Gumilyov Eurasian National University;
- Kazakh Ablai Khan University of International Relations and World Languagescordially;
- D. Serikbayev East-Kazakhstan State Technical University;
- West-Kazakhstan agrarian technical university named after Zhangir Khan;
- Esenov Caspian State University of Technologies and Engineering;
- Baitursynov Kostanay State University.
Partners of consortium of STUDIK:
- Taraz Innovative and Humanitarian University;
- South Kazakhstan State University named after M.Auezov;
- Kazakh Finance and Economics Academy;
- Altynssarin Arkalyk State Padogogical Institute;
- Student Alliance in Almaty;
- Youth Congress in Kazakhstan;
- Student Senate of Al Farabi Kazakh National University;
- Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
European Union:
- Technische Universitaet Dresden (Germany);
- Austrian University of Natural Resources (Austria, Vienna);
- Information System Management Institute (Latvia, Riga);
- Student Union of Information System Management Institute (Latvia, Riga);
- Lithuanian University of Agriculture (Lithuania, Kaunas);
- Student Union of the Lithuanian University of Agriculture (Lithuania, Kaunas).