Social support for students

Particular emphasis of the university management is on monitoring the social contitions of the students from various social categories.  All university departments systematically monitor students from large families, low-income families, orphans and students with special needs.

The priority areas of social protection for students at the university are:

  • Assistance and support for students from low-ncome and large families, as well as students with disabilities and orphans.
  • Equal conditions and barrier-free access for students with special educational needs.
  • Priority right to places in student dormitories. 
  • Provision of psycho-social assistance, social and medical support, and voluntary assistance to all socially vulnerable categories.

In  2021-2022 academic year:

D. Serikbayev EKTU has created conditions for education for 16 students with disabilities; adapted educational programs that take into account the specifics of diseases. Conditions for unhindered, safe and convenient movement, access to buildings and structures have been provided. There is a parking area with designated spaces.  The educational buildings and hostels are provided with ramps and entrances are equipped with special, well-fixed railings for people with disabilities. Disablbed students  study  in groups together with other students.

21 from 27 students without parental care receive scholarships, 2 of them advanced ones. In order to provide material support, students without parental care get free meals and free accommodation in a hostel.

There are 346 students from large families and 25 students from low-income families.

Particular attention is paid to the social and psychological adaptation of students studying under the program "Serpin-2050: Mangilik El zhastary-industry". Accommodation is provided in dormitories, which allows them to maintain social ties and facilitates the process of entering a new educational and social environment for them.

As part of the Student Social Support Program, the university provides free medical services at the university medical center.

Social and psychological adaptation of the students studying under the program “Serpyn-2050: Mřalik Yelstar-Industria” is of special attention. Students accommodation is provided in dormitories to maintain social ties and facilitate entering a new educational and social environment.

The University’s Student Welfare Program provides free medical services at the University’s Medical Centre.

The list of the main measures for social support for students of NAO D. Serikbayev EKTU is given in the internal regulatory document “Regulations on measures of social support for students at D. Serikbayev East Kazakhstan Technical University’ dated 14.06.2021. This document is annually amended and supplemented in accordance with the social legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the social sphere.

            Social assistance provided for the 2021-2022 academic year:

  • 16 orphaned students were provided with free accommodation in university dormitories, 171 students from large families were provided with a 50% discount on hostel accommodation;
  • Disability scholarship + 75 of the total scholarship, was provided to 1 student.
  • Students-orphans are assisted with money for food, 3 student-graduates of orphanages were paid a lump sum of 127,923 tenge (each) for clothing.