In the period from the 14th to the 16th of February 2017 campaign group composed of the Head of Pre-University preparation, University admission and employment of graduates Department Adilhan A. B., senior teacher of "Technological machines and transportsub-department Rogovskiy V. V. carried out propaganda work in Zyryanovsky district.

On arrival in the city Zyryanovsk there was held a meeting with the Head of Zyryanovsk district, the Head  Department of education, physical culture and sport, where was drawn up schedule of work of campaign groups on 15th and  16th of February.

The representatives of D. Serikbayev EKSTU met with graduates of schools №6, 7, 8, 9, 11, 12 (technical Lyceum) of Zyryanovsk and met with graduates of the College of construction and transportation, school № 1, New Bukhtarma, the town of Serebryansk.

There were conducted surveys of students, presentation of specialties of the University and the College, presented information on the new format of UNT in 2017. There was highlighted the issues of military training, academic mobility, living conditions in the dorms etc.

All work was carried out among 188 graduates and 164 from them expressed a desire to continue higher education in our University.

We thank the Head of the Department of education, physical culture and sports of Zyryanovsk district and school administration for their assistance in conducting meetings with graduates!