Name of the competition within which the project is being implemented: Competition for grant financing for young scientists on realization of scientific researches on scientific and (or) scientific and technical projects

The project manager is Bakytzhan B. Amralinova, Dean of the School of Earth and Environmental Sciences, PhD.

Identifiers: Scopus Author ID 57194348109,,


Project Research Team

Fullname Projectposition Identifiers (Scopus Author ID, Researcher ID, ORCID, if any) and links to related profiles

O.V. Frolova

Leading researcher

Scopus Author ID 57195674035,,

N.A. Zimanovskaya

Leading researcher

Scopus Author ID 56369110800,,

I.E. Mataibaeva

Leading researcher

ScopusAuthor ID 57195672336, ORCID  0000-0003-0550-7591,

O.N. Kuzmina

Leading researcher

SCOPUS: 57212392529,
ORCID: 0000-0002-5127-6408,
Researcher ID: AAB-4098-2021

A.P. Miroshnikova

Senior Researcher

Scopus Author ID 57194332915,,


Project abstract

Relevance: Rare metals - metals of the future. Lithium, for example, has become a popular element quite recently. The demand for it has increased significantly in the last ten years, mainly due to the use of lithium in IT technologies. The consumption of metals of this group by industry increases every year, but production does not, i.e. demand exceeds supply, and in some cases many times.

Purpose: To study the chemical composition of lake waters, salt brines, brine and bottom sediments to identify the mineralization of rare metals and other types of minerals.

Research methods: Collected and generalized literary, archival and stock materials will be systematized, resulting in the formation of a preliminary geoinformation system for the study of the chemical composition of the waters of salt lakes. Field surveys will be carried out within the studied objects by means of eye-measuring surveys in the course of geological routes with detailed documentation and linking of observation points using global positioning devices. For hydrochemical studies, samples of lake water in the volume of 2 liters will be taken from the selected areas. Also, samples of brine and bottom sediments weighing 500 grams will be taken from the lakes. Mass spectrometric studies (mass spectrometer with inductively coupled plasma ICP-MS 7500cx from Agilent Technologies) will allow performing high-precision analytical studies on the chemical composition of salt lake water in order to assess the content of primarily rare-alkaline (Li, Rb, Cs), as well as other elements. The bottom sediments will be selected for mineralogical analysis.


Expected and achieved results of the project:


The results obtained from the research.

Publications (with links to them) and patents; information for potential users.

2020 year

Expedition work was carried out: field surveys were carried out on the geometrization and linking of lakes and water samples were taken from bottom sediments, brine and salt brines from lakes within the Burabay and Delbegetey sections.Laboratory studies were carried out: the study of the chemical and mineral composition of the selected samples in the field period by mass spectrometry with inductively coupled plasma-raster and high-resolution transmission electron microscopy. The obtained results of research on the studied objects are summarized and analyzed. Interim report.

An article was published in the scientific journal Bulletin of the D. Serikbayev East Kazakhstan Technical University, "Geochemistry of surface waters of the Burabai Massif lakes" December, 2020.

2021 year

Expedition work: conducting field surveys on the geometrization and linking of lakes and sampling water from bottom sediments, brine and salt brines from lakes within the Shagan-Charsky site. Conducting chemical analysis and studying the mineral composition of water samples and salt brines, brine and bottom sediments using high-resolution and highly sensitive research methods.

Writing an interim report. Publication of an article in a peer-reviewed journal.

2022 year

Expedition work: conducting field surveys on the geometrization and linking of lakes and sampling water from bottom sediments, brine and salt brines from lakes within the Kaskabulak site. Laboratory studies: study of the chemical and mineral composition of selected samples in the field period by inductively coupled plasma mass spectroscopy, scanning and high-resolution transmission electron microscopy.Development of recommendations for the development and use of lake waters and salt brines for the production of alkali metals.Writing the final report. Obtaining a patent.