Daniyar S. Еlemanov

Dissertation topic

Justification of parameters and design of the working body of the granulator (RIG) for the agro-industrial complex

Domestic scientific consultant

Darkhan E. Elemes, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Hirsch Index-1 based on Scopus, D. Serikbayev EKTU, docent of the School of Mechanical Engineering, Ust-Kamenogorsk, Republic of Kazakhstan.

Scopus Author ID: https://www.scopus.com/authid/detail.uri?authorId=55758038200.

Foreign scientific consultant

Franciszek Wladyslaw Przystupa, Dr.Ing, Professor, Wroclaw Polytechnic University (Wroclaw, Poland), Hirsch index -2 based on Scopus.

Scopus Author ID: https://www.scopus.com/authid/detail.uri?authorId=6506488969.

Main scientific results

The result of the study is the justification of the parameters and the development of the design of the working body of the granulator (RIG) for the agro-industrial complex, which satisfies consumers in terms of the nomenclature and technical characteristics of the machines.

In order to improve the design of the working body of the granulator (RIG), an information-analytical, patent, and literary-technical review in the field of development was carried out.

The reasons for the wear of the working body of the granulator (HORN) are investigated, the materials for the manufacture of the wear-resistant working body(auger) of the granulator are investigated.

Direct result

The kinematic and dynamic calculation of the proposed design of the working body of the granulator is carried out.

Scientific works

1. Elemanov D.S., Yelemes D.E., Amangeldiuly K. Reduction of energy consumption for the formation of pellets and improvement of the quality of the finished product of the granulator". VI International Scientific and Technical Conference of students, undergraduates and young scientists "Creativity of young people for innovative development of Kazakhstan". 9-10 April 2020. EKSTU named after D. Serikbayev.

2. Elemanov D.S., Yelemes D.E. "Determination of the energy parameters of the grinding-mixing process in the working chamber of the rotary granulator". Proceedings of the XII International Scientific and Practical Conference - "Transformation of the experience of agribusiness management in the European Union in Kazakhstan and the countries of Central Asia", dedicated to the 135th anniversary of the birth of the Kazakh poet and writer Myrzakyp Dulatov, "Dulatov Readings-2020". Volume 1I  pp. 30-33.

The Hirsch index


Funded research projects


Level of foreign language proficiency

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