Zarina R. Issabek

Dissertation topic

Justification of parameters and development of a design automated road mills for repair road carpets with variable rutting

Domestic scientific consultant

Zhannat N. Kadyrov, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Director of  «Kadyrov and Partners».

Alina I. Kim, Dr. Phd, Associate Professor, School of Mechanical Engineering, EKSTU them.  D.Serikbaeva.

Foreign scientific consultant

G.V. Kustarev, Ph.D., Professor of Moscow State Automobile and Highway Technical University (Russia).

Main scientific results

1. A review and analysis of existing technological methods of milling the top layer of road surfaces and structures of the used road milling machines is carried out. General characteristics of technological methods for milling the top layer of road surfaces.

2. Development of automatic milling systems based on road milling machines with milling drums.

Direct result

A theoretical analysis of the milling process using road milling machines with milling drums has been carried out.

Analysis of existing mathematical models of milling road surfaces using road milling machines.

Scientific works

1. Isabek Z.R., Kadyrov Zh.N., Kochetkov A.V. «Improvement of the design of road milling cutters for the repair of highways»Technical regulation in transport construction [Electronic resource]: collection of works V International Scientific and Practical Conference"Improving the reliability and safety of transport facilities and communications", Saratov, November 27-28, 2019 Saratov, Sarat. state tech. un-t, 2019.266-268 p.

2. Pat.RK  №34040. «Automatic control system for the process of milling asphalt concrete using road milling machines»/ Issabek Z.R.,Kadyrov Zh.N.,Kochetkov A.V.,  опубл. в БИ №49, 2019.

3. Pat.RK №34247. «Road machine milling tool» Issabek Z.R.,Kadyrov Zh.N., Dydkin M.V.,Kochetkov A.V. опубл. 27.03.2020 г.

4. Pat.RK. №34246. «Asphalt road milling machine» / Issabek Z.R.,Kadyrov Zh.N., Dydkin M.V.,Kochetkov A.V. опубл. 27.03.2020 г.

5. Pat.RK №34221. «Measuring wedge for measuring the flatness of the asphalt pavement strip» / Issabek Z.R.,Kadyrov Zh.N., Dydkin M.V.,Kochetkov A.V., опубл. в БИ №10, 2020 г.

6. Pat.RK №34933. «A system for automatic regulation of the process of milling destroyed joints between lanes of road surface of highways» /Kadyrov Zh.N., Kochetkov A.V., Issabek Z.R., опубл. в БИ №9, 2021 г.

The Hirsch index


Funded research projects


Level of foreign language proficiency

Level  B1. Threshold or intermediate.