Nurbolat A. Suleimenov

Dissertation topic

Improvement of the method for determining the energy release in model fuel assemblies during testing in the IGR reactor

Domestic scientific consultant

N.E. Mukhamedov, PhD, Head of the Department for Development and Testing of Reactor Devices of the Branch of the IAE RSE NNC RK., Kurchatov, Kazakhstan

Hirsch index – 2, Scopus Author ID:

Foreign scientific consultant

Wieleba Wojciech Kazimierz, Doctor of Engineering, Professor of Wroclaw University of Science and Technology, Wroclaw, Poland.

Hirsch index – 5, Scopus Author ID:

Main scientific results

1. Design models of the experimental device have been developed.

2. The libraries of materials in the computational programs are considered, the conditions for the safe conduct of tests with an experimental device are analyzed.

3. The thermohydraulic calculation of the experimental device has been carried out.

Direct result

The main elements of an experimental setup with a neutron converter are considered. The design models of the device, user functions, taking into account the time and altitude distribution of energy release in the fuel, structural materials and protective barriers of the device have been developed. These custom functions allow you to simulate complex radiative heat profiles in Ansys Fluent.

Thermal-hydraulic calculations of the experimental device were carried out with and without taking into account the radiation heating of structural materials due to instantaneous gamma radiation.

Based on the calculation results, a comparative assessment of the temperature distribution of the device elements was made. Taking into account the radiation heating of structural materials, the thermal load on the elements of the device increases.

Comparison of the calculated and experimental values of the specific power of energy release is presented. At the level "+800 mm" from the, these values have good convergence, and at the level of the reactor core center, the discrepancies reach 27%.

Scientific works

1. On the safety of a non calculated situation in the course of experimental researches of reactor accidents in the IGR/ Вестник GU имени Шакарима, №1 (85), 2018.

2. Substantiation of an experimental study technology of fuel rods of fast reactors in the IGR / NNC RK Bulletin, №1 (81), 2020.

3. Effect of radiation heating of construction materials of an experimental device with a neutron converter on their temperature regime / NNC RK Bulletin, № 4(84), 2020.

4. Determination of specific energy release in the ampoule housing of the experimental device during testing in the IGR reactor / Advanced materials manufacturing and research conference: new technologies and techniques (AMM&R2021), February 19, 2021.

5. Profiling of energy release in model fuel elements of an experimental device taking into account radiation heating энерговыделения / VII International Scientific and Technical Conference for students, undergraduates and young scientists "Creativity of young - innovative development of Kazakhstan"», April 8-9, 2021.


The Hirsch index


Funded research projects

Participation in the grant "Properties and characteristics of the melt of materials in the core of a nuclear reactor, obtained at the IGR research reactor", contract No. 305 of March 30, 2018.

Level of foreign language proficiency

Intermediate, no identification documents