Kanat O. Surauzhanov

Dissertation topic

Researches on recovery of precious components from wastes of titanium production

Domestic scientific consultant

Almagul Ultarakova, c.t.s., «Institute of Metallurgy and Ore Benefication» JSC, Head of the Laboratory of Titanium and Rare Refractory Metals, Almaty, Kazahstan.

H-index - 2, Scopus Author ID: http://www.scopus.com/inward/authorDetails.url?authorID=57192211142.

Foreign scientific consultant

Gero Frisch, Prof. Dr., TU Bergakademie Freiberg, Institute of Inorganic Chemistry, Freiberg, Germany.

H-index - 15, Scopus Author ID: http://www.scopus.com/inward/authorDetails.url?authorID=24437654100.

Main scientific results

Titanium waste of JSC "UK TMP" was investigated.

The possibility of extracting valuable components from the chloride waste from the production of titanium tetrachloride and dust from the ore-thermal melting of ilmenite concentrate using deep eutectic solvents is investigated.

Direct result

Technologies for the production of vanadium and titanium from the dust of ore-thermal melting of ilmenite concentrate, titanium and rare metals from the chloride waste of titanium tetrachloride production have been developed.

Scientific works

Surauzhanov K.O., Toguzov M.Z. Perspective methods of processing of chloride waste of titanium production. "Bulletin of D. Serikbayev EKSTU" No. 2, 2020, pp. 44-48 ISBN 1561-4212. /files/vestnik/Vestnik_2-2020.pdf. Recommended by KKSON RK.

The Hirsch index



Funded research projects


Level of foreign language proficiency
