Sapar N. Toxanov

Dissertation topic

Information and educational portal of distance learning based on Smart technology

Domestic scientific consultant

Saule S. Smailova, PhD, Hirsch index - 9 based on Scopus, D. Serikbayev VKTU, Associate Professor of the School of Information Technologies and Intelligent Systems, Ust-Kamenogorsk, Republic of Kazakhstan.

Scopus Author ID:

Foreign scientific consultant

Waldemar Wójcik, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Hirsch index -26 based on Scopus, Politechnika Lubelska, Director of the Institute of Electronics and Information Technologies of the Lublin University of Technology, Lublin, Poland.

Scopus Author ID:

Main scientific results

The main new scientific results of the research are:

  • Multiple models of identification of subjects of the educational space.
  • Model of an open subsystem of computer knowledge testing.
  • Method for determining the truth of the answer, taking into account the "hard" and "soft" evaluation calculations.
  • An information and educational portal for distance learning based on Smart technology has been developed. The result is confirmed by a certificate of state registration of intellectual property objects.

Direct result

In order to study the effectiveness of the use of the developed information and educational portal, a study was conducted during the 2020-2021 academic year, where the portal was introduced into the educational process of distance learning at Toraighyrov University. The study involved students of the 2nd course of specialty «Accounting and Audit» of distance learning in the amount of 278 people. The experiment was conducted on the course «Finance and Credit». Each group was divided into subgroups of 12-13 people in each subgroup. Monitoring and pilot teams of 12 to 13 persons each were formed from sub-groups. According to the results of testing of students of the experimental group, the average percentage of mastering the material of the course «Finance and Credit» at the end of the semester was 80.3% (as of May 2021). That’s 11% higher than the control students.

Multiple models for identifying subjects of the educational space were developed and tested in a scientific project on the IRN AP08857218 «Information technology for evaluating the scientific activities of universities, research institutes and their departments» within the budget program 217 «Development of Science», subprogram 102 «Grant financing of scientific research for 2020- 2022», according to the priority «Information, telecommunication and space technologies».

A certificate was received on entering information into the state register of rights to objects protected by copyright under the name «Distance learning system ""». RSE «National Institute of Intellectual Property» MJ RK. Entry in the register of the Committee on Intellectual Property Rights No. 9823 dated May 13, 2022 / Toksanov S.N., Sharipova S.E., Zarechny P.S.

Scientific works

1) Toxanov, S., Biloshchytskyi, A., Kuchansky, A., Andrashko, Y., Faizullin, A., Development of the set models and a method to form information spaces of scientific activity subjects for the steady development of higher education establishments // Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 3(2 (111), P.6–14, 2021., Available at SSRN: Scopus: CiteScore (2021):2.0, percentile 48 #49/90 Computer Science Applications, 37%

Scientific works in publications recommended by the authorized body of the MSHE RK

2) Токсанов С.Н., Смаилова С.С. Современные средства автоматизации и информатизации процесса обучения. [Modern means of automation and informatization of the learning process] «ВЕСТНИК ПГУ» № 1, 2020, Серия энергетическая, C. 449-457 ISBN 1811-1858.

3) Toxanov, S., Abzhanova, D., Faizullin, A. (2021). Ontological model of a database of information educational portal of the university. Scientific Journal of Astana IT University, (9), 75-84.

4) Toxanov, S., Abzhanova, D., Faizullin, A. (2022). Development of an information and educational portal of distance learning based on educational data mining. Scientific Journal of Astana IT University, (9), 22-35.

Publications in conference proceedings indexed in Web of Science, Scopus databases

5) Toxanov, S., Biloshchytskyi, A., Kuchansky, A., Andrashko, Y., Faizullin, A. The comparison of methods for assessing the productivity of scientific subjects. International Scientific and Technical Conference on Computer Sciences and Information Technologies 1, pp. 84-88. ISBN 978-166544257-2 DOI 10.1109/CSIT52700.2021.9648804.

6) Toxanov S., Bielienkova O., Stetsenko S., Oliferuk S., Sapiga P., Horbach M. Conceptual model for assessing the competitiveness of the enterprise based on fuzzy logic: Social and resource factors. SIST 2021 - 2021 IEEE International Conference on Smart Information Systems and Technologies. DOI 10.1109/SIST50301.2021.9465923 ISBN 978-172817470-9.

7) Toxanov, S., Biloshchytskyi, A., Kuchansky, A., Andrashko, Y., Faizullin, A. Methods of assessing the scientific activity of scientists and higher education institutions. ATIT 2020 - Proceedings: 2020 2nd IEEE International Conference on Advanced Trends in Information Theory 9349348, pp. 162-167. ISBN 978-172819799-9. DOI 10.1109/ATIT50783.2020.9349348.

8) Biloshchytskyi A., Omirbayev S., Mukhatayev A., Faizullin A., Toxanov S., Kassenov K. - Development of a subsystem of Mass Open Online Courses (MOOCs) as an element of the distance learning portal. International Scientific and Technical Conference on Computer Sciences and Information Technologies. Volume 1, Pages 89 – 92. 2021. ISBN 978-166544257-2. DOI 10.1109/CSIT52700.2021.9648718.

Scientific works in the materials of international conferences

9) Токсанов С.Н., Смаилова С.С. Разработка модели для проектирования образовательного портала. [Development of a model for designing an educational portal] XX Сатпаевские чтения. Том 19. Серия «Молодые ученые», 2020, С.253-260 ISBN 978-601-345-057-5.

The Hirsch index

equal to 3

Scopus Author ID:

Funded research projects

Project on IRN AP08857218 "Information technology for evaluating the scientific activities of universities, research institutes and their departments" within the framework of the budget program 217 "Development of science", subprogram 102 "Grant financing of scientific research for 2020-2022", according to the priority "Information, telecommunications and space technologies” from November 2020 to December 2022 (agreement No. 109-20 dated November 27, 2020).

Head of the scientific project: Beloshchitsky A.A.

Level of foreign language proficiency
