Arailym E. Tukushova

Dissertation topic

Development of an information system module based on the methods of intelligent detection of anomalies for environmental monitoring of the atmosphere.

Domestic scientific consultant

Saule Zh. Rakhmetullina, Ph.D., First Vice-Rector named after D. Serikbayeva. Hirsch Index 2.

Scopus Author ID: 56658733600.

Foreign scientific consultant

Alexey V. Penenko, Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Senior Lecturer, Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics, Department of Mathematical Methods of Geophysics, MMF, NSU, Novosibirsk Hirsch Index 9.

Scopus Author ID: 23051513200.

Main scientific results


Direct result


Scientific works


The Hirsch index


Funded research projects


Level of foreign language proficiency