6В07501 - Standardization and certification (in branches)

The educational program "Standardization and Certification (in branches)" is aimed at training highly qualified specialists in the field of standardization and certification (in branches), capable of based on the knowledge and skills acquired over the years of training at EKTU named after D. Serikbayev, to solve practical issues of any complexity in terms of their specialty and the tasks that face those organizations whose employees they will become after graduation. First of all, these are issues of quality and competitiveness of marketable products.

It forms students' knowledge and skills in the field of standardization and certification in order to ensure the quality and competitiveness of manufactured products.

The purpose of the educational program:

Training of highly qualified specialists in the field of standardization and certification by industry, through the formation of professional and personal competencies that allow graduates to successfully work in their chosen field of activity and be stable in the labor market.

Basic knowledge of the specialty of students is formed on the basis of the study of the following disciplines:

  • Standardization
  • Certification
  • Metrology
  • General measurement theory
  • Qualimetry
  • Statistical methods for managing product and process quality
  • Databases and expert systems
  • Testing, control and product safety
  • Metrological support of production
  • Quality management systems
  • Accreditation of certification bodies and testing laboratories
  • Technology for the development of standards and regulatory documents
  • Economics of quality, standardization and certification
  • Fundamentals of innovation and patent science
  • Production technology of building materials

Students receive practical and research skills during the training period in specialized laboratories of School of Architecture, Construction and Energy, namely, The Center of Competence and Technology transfer in the field of construction, a testing laboratory for construction products, a laboratory for quality control and reliability of building structures, a Laboratory for construction technologies and materials. Working in research laboratories allows you to acquire deep skills in the field of standardization and certification.

Objects of professional activity of the graduate:

  • products, services, processes (work) and systems;
  • equipment of enterprises and testing laboratories (centers);
  • methods and means of measurement, testing, control;
  • normative documentation of standardization, certification, quality management, metrology systems;
  • metrological support of scientific, industrial, social and environmental activities;
  • commercial activity.

Professional activity

The establishment, implementation and monitoring of the implementation of the norm, rules and requirements for products (services), process (work) and the system, their development, production, application (consumption) and metrological support aimed at high quality and safety of products and services, high economic efficiency for producer and consumer.

The international cooperation

The educational program "Standardization and Certification (by industry)" maintains constant creative relations with research institutes, universities, enterprises of near and far abroad Kazakhstan and Russia, such as: KazNIISA, KazGASA, NGASU, Samara GASA, St. Petersburg GASU, St. Petersburg -Peterburg Polytechnic University of Peter the Great, NIIZHB (Moscow).

Students take an active part in student research competitions, in republican and international scientific conferences of young scientists and students. At republican subject Olympiads, students occupy prizes.

Upon completion of training, an academic degree is awarded - a bachelor of engineering and technology in the specialty 6B07501 "Standardization and Certification (in branches)."

Research work:

Every year, students take part in diploma project competitions, student research paper competitions, National and International scientific conferences of young scientists and students, and subject Olympiads. The materials of the scientific student conference are issued in the form of a collection of scientific articles.

Teachers take part in scientific and practical and scientific and methodological conferences not only in the Republic of Kazakhstan, but also abroad.

Language of instruction: Kazakh, Russian.