The purpose of educational work is the formation of students' competencies in the chosen field of study (specialty), civil position in life, ability to work and live in conditions of modern civilization and the development of their self-reliance, initiative and creativity.

Educational work is carried outsystematicallyusing various forms of activities relevant to developing approaches to teaching, organization and education.

Educational work is aimed at the following directions:

  • Patriotic education. Instilling in students a sense of patriotism, respect and love for their faculty, university, and the chosen profession. Formationofcitizenship, nationalidentity;
  • Legal education and delinquency prevention. Development of students' responsibility for safety of interiors, equipment and inventory and university dorms, respect for law and order, inner freedom and dignity;
  • Moral and aesthetic education. Improving the culture and ethics of students. Active participation in organization of leisure time and recreation of students, development of their interests and abilities;
  • Professionaleducation.
  • Labour education. Explaining the importance of work as an important value in life;
  • Sports and healthy lifestyle activities.Forming students' desire for a healthy lifestyle

During the study period, our students actively participate in the life of the university, in cultural events:

  • The contest "Talents of Freshmen";
  • The contest "Student Spring";
  • The contest "Miss EKSTU" and "Mr. EKSTU";
  • "Dedication to students";
  • "Knowledge Day";
  • citywide patriotic events, processions;
  • subbotniks for cleaning the territories adjacent to the university.

SACaD students represent the university at regional, national and international competitions in many sports, they are part of the KVN teams.

Curators constantly monitor progress, attendance in groups, social living conditions of students living in a hostel. According to the approved action plan, they organize and conduct "Days of educational programs" in the hostel.