Educational work is carried out systematically, the main components of which are:

  • implementation of the Strategy Kazakhstan - 2030;
  • the formation of incentives to increase the need for education and self-improvement;
  • familiarizing students with a healthy lifestyle, the formation of an active civil position of the younger generation;
  • assistance in creating a favorable psychological climate in the group;
  • activation of students to social activities, attracting them to participate in thematic competitions, shows, Olympiads, cultural and sports events.

During the academic year, the problems of educational work of students are discussed at meetings of the senior curators of the school and university. Curators work in the following areas:

  • on the implementation of the State Program for the Functioning of Languages;
  • to clarify the main provisions of the President's Address to the people of Kazakhstan;
  • on the implementation of the national program for the formation of healthy lifestyle;
  • contribute to the formation of patriotic, legal education and the prevention of offenses, as well as environmental culture;
  • contribute to the moral and aesthetic education of students.

The structure of student self-government is actively operating at the school. The goal of student self-government of the School of Geosciences and the Environment is to ensure an organic combination of the rights and responsibilities of students, the formation of constructive, organizational, communication skills, activation in studies, increasing responsibility and consciousness. In this regard, the main role in the organization of student government at school belongs to the student government council.

Every year, students of our school take an active part in promotions and events held both at the university level and at the city level, such as “Miss VKTU named after D. Serikbayev "festival" Student Spring ", the action" Students of VKTU for a healthy lifestyle ", the review competition" Talents of freshmen ", competitions for the Cup of the rector of VKTU named after D. Serikbayev" Hello university! ", Spartakiad among students of VKTU named ... D. Serikbayeva and others.

Curators constantly monitor progress, attendance in groups, social living conditions of students living in a hostel. According to the approved action plan, they organize and conduct "Days of educational programs" in the hostel.

«Til - rukhani kazyna» festival: students and teachers of VKTU celebrate the richness of the languages of Kazakhstan

On September 18, 2024, the final stage of the regional festival «Til - rukhani Kazyna» was held in the regional Philharmonic hall as part of the celebration of the Day of Languages of the People of Kazakhstan. This festival was attended and supported as spectators by 4th year students of groups 21-GRK-1 and 21-GDK-1 and teacher Sypainova G.S. of the educational program «Geology and exploration of mineral deposits» of the D. Serikbayev East Kazakhstan Technical University. The festival hosted an award ceremony for employees who have made a great contribution to the development of the language. The students received good impressions from this event and were spiritually enriched.

September 1st is knowledge Day! Congratulations!

We wish you good luck, more success, only go ahead, achieve your goals!

At the height of patriotism: honoring the state symbols of Kazakhstan

State symbols are one of the essential attributes of any state, embodying its identity and sovereignty.

In the Republic of Kazakhstan, the state symbols are the national flag, the national emblem and the national anthem.

Today, students of group 23-ZKK-3 climbed the mountain "Kazakhstan" and solemnly congratulated all students and teachers of the university on the Day of state Symbols.

Honor and respect for national symbols is the main aspect of patriotic education of students of the School of Earth Sciences.

Happy Victory Day!

Students of group 23-ZK-1 congratulated a veteran of the Great Patriotic War on Victory Day.



Quiz for defender of the Fatherland Day: The strength, intelligence and savvy of the guys of the school of Earth sciences

Students and teachers of the educational program "Forest Resources and Forestry" in honor of the celebration of Defender of the Fatherland Day held a fun quiz for the guys of the School of Earth Sciences. Our strong half of the school showed a sharp mind, quick wit and athletic skills.

Sport and unity: folk games of ethnic groups of Kazakhstan at the school of earth sciences

Студенты и преподаватели образовательной программы «Геология и разStudents and teachers of the educational program «Geology and exploration of mineral deposits» held sports competitions «National games of ethnic groups of Kazakhstan» dedicated to the Day of Unity of the peoples of Kazakhstan.

During the competition, students of the School of Earth Sciences actively participated in «Arkan Tartu», arm wrestling, pillow fights, jumping in speed bags.

Each participant showed not only high physical fitness, but also skill in performing sports disciplines, which aroused the admiration of the audience and the jury.

Clean games

On April 20, students of group 23-GD-1 of the School of Earth Sciences, together with advisor A.E. Bakhtin, took part in the city's eco-clean-up event «Taza oyin» as part of the «Taza Kazakhstan» campaign.

Activists and volunteers of D. Serikbayev EKTU participated in this event.

Together to pure nature!

Spring care: students and a teacher in the apple orchard of samal park

As part of the city campaign to prepare the apple orchard for the warm season in Samal Park, students of the educational program «Forest Resources and Forestry» of group 22-LDK-1 and senior lecturer at the School of Earth Sciences A.M. Zhakupova took an active part in this event. Students and a teacher were involved in unwinding apple trees after the winter period.

Geologist's day

GEOLOGIST'S DAY is celebrated in Kazakhstan on the first Sunday of April. On April 8, 2024, on the first day of science week, the school of Earth sciences celebrated Geologist's Day at EKTU, dedicated to the celebration of the 125th anniversary of the birth of outstanding scientist K. Satpayev.

This tradition has existed at the university for many years, which the teachers of the educational program GEOLOGY AND EXPLORATION OF MINERAL DEPOSITS pass on from generation to generation.

Games, quizzes, competitions between teams, songs with a guitar in their hands, dedication to the geology of first-year students and much more that made this day memorable.

Congratulations to all geologists on their professional holiday! We wish you easy routes, new discoveries and victories!

Everyone is going to a clean-up day!

President Kassym-Zhomart Tokayev gave a number of instructions to the akims of regions and cities on landscaping and landscaping of territories.

Students and teachers of the school of Earth sciences annually take part in landscaping and landscaping of territories.

This is a great opportunity to show your abilities, skills and creative approach to solving mini tasks that arise in the process of landscaping and landscaping.

Came, saw, won!

On March 20, in honor of the Nauryz holiday, national team competitions in «асық ату» and «тоғызкұмалақ» were held among the schools of the university.

In the «асық ату» competitions, the girls' team of the School of Earth Sciences took the honorable II place, the boys' team took the III place.

In the «тоғызкұмалақ» competition, the national team of the School of Earth Sciences took the honorable II place.

Happy nauryz holiday

On March 20, teachers and students celebrated the spring holiday Nauryz at the School of Earth Sciences. The event was organized by the EP «Life safety and environmental protection».

March 8 is international women's day! Dear EKTU ladies, congratulations!

On March 7, on the eve of International Women's Day, the educational program «Mining» of the School of Earth Sciences congratulated the lovely ladies and held an intellectual and entertaining party that brought together curious, intelligent people and those who want to have a good time with colleagues in a friendly atmosphere. At the same time, I checked whether our ladies are able to develop wit, ingenuity, show independence, benevolence, self-control, the ability to listen to their comrades without interrupting them. On this day, the entire female half was especially beautiful and elegant!

The audience also enjoyed a wonderful festive concert.

The holiday was bright and unique!

The participants were awarded with sweet gifts, certificates and a good mood.

«Nauryz – spring festival»

Nauryz is a celebration of spring, renewal of nature, the beginning of a new year, a new life. The celebration of Nauryz begins on the day of the vernal equinox – March 21. Nauryz in Kazakhstan symbolizes fertility, friendship and love.

On March 17, 2023, the faculty of the School of Earth Sciences together with students (responsible group - 20–SCC-1) celebrated Nauryz.

The purpose of the event: to form students' interest in the national traditions and customs of the peoples of Kazakhstan, to instill patriotic feelings, feelings of tolerance and love for the Motherland.

Round table on the topic «Interaction of production and education in personnel training for Kazakhstan»

On April 12, 2023, D. Serikbayev EKTU held a round table on the topic «Interaction of production and education in personnel training for Kazakhstan», dedicated to the birthday of Academician Kanysh Satpayev as part of the celebration of the 65th anniversary of D. Serikbayev EKTU.

The round table was attended by representatives of the enterprises of the State Institution «Management of Land Relations of the East Kazakhstan region», VK branch of the RSE at the Republican Center for State Urban Planning and Cadastre, LLP «Geokurs Vostok», Branch of the NAO «State Corporation «Government for Citizens» in East Kazakhstan region, LLP «Alpha-Safety», DGP VNIITSVETMET, IP Geokvadrant, LLP «Geobond», LLP «Vector Engineering», LLP «Altai Geological and Ecological Institute», LLP «Georesurs engineering», LLP GRK «Topaz», LLP «GEOSAT», Emlid company, LLP «Ulbatechcenter», etc.

As part of the round table, an exhibition of geodetic equipment was organized, as well as a demonstration of the work.

Happy science Day!
IX International Scientific and technical Conference of students, undergraduates and young scientists «Creativity of young innovative development of Kazakhstan»

On April 13, 2023, plenary and sectional sessions of the IX International Scientific and Technical Conference of Students, undergraduates and young scientists «Creativity of young innovative development of Kazakhstan», dedicated to the 65th anniversary of the university, were held.

Undergraduates, doctoral students, and students took an active part.

A lively discussion and interesting questions awaited the participants of the conference.

A good experience for students in a new format!

Happy Independence Day of the Republic of Kazakhstan!

On December 15, 2023, an event dedicated to the Independence Day of the Republic of Kazakhstan was held.

The students of the educational program «Geodesy and Cartography» were responsible for this event.

May our blue flag fly under a peaceful sky! May the independence of the Kazakh people be forever! To see the independence that our ancestors dreamed of for centuries is a great happiness for today's generation. May this happiness be clear! May the independence of a free country be stable!

Happy Republic Day

On October 23, 2023, in honor of the celebration of the Republic Day, students of dormitory No. 1 held an open lesson «Kazakhstan is a native country, a great land».