7M07312 «Cadastre and Land Management»

Foreign language test

Test on readiness to study

Major disciplines

  • Geodesy
  • Land resources management

EP purpose:

To create an educational environment conducive to professional formation and intellectual development of a specialist able to demonstrate functional literacy and competitiveness in professional situations, successfully combining knowledge in land cadastre, land management, precision farming, geodesy, cartography, information, satellite and GIS technologies, agronomy, planning and management economics for rational and effective use of land fund of the Republic of Kazakhstan and rural land potential.

Relevance of the programme:

The educational programme is based on fundamental principles of current land legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Graduates of OP "Cadastre and Land Management" acquire skills of working and data processing in specialised computer programmes (AutoCAD, MapInfo, QGIS, FOTOMOD, Agisoft PhotoScan, GIS Sputnik Agro etc.), are able to work with modern geodetic equipment, perform topographic surveys of area, develop digital maps and maintain databases.

The obtained knowledge in the field of land cadastre, land management and precision farming, knowledge of theoretical foundations of state registration and land registration, ability to work with accounting land cadastre documentation, to develop various land management projects and agribusiness plans allow graduates to successfully implement the acquired knowledge in further professional activities and be competitive.

Partner universities:

  • Siberian State University of Geosystems and Technologies, Russian Federation;
  • Tashkent Institute of Irrigation and Agricultural Mechanisation Engineers, Uzbekistan;
  • State University of Land Management, Moscow, Russian Federation.

Partner enterprises:

  • Branch of Non-profit joint-stock company "State Corporation "Government for Citizens" in EKR;
  • State Institution "Department of Land Relations EKR";