The department cooperates with universities of the republic and abroad, the Assembly of the People of Kazakhstan, the House of Friendship - the Center for Public Consent of the Akim of East Kazakhstan, the Regional Project Office, and expert councils.

In the framework of cooperation with the universities of the Altai Territory (RF) in the Altai State University at the department "Kazakhstan Way and N. Nazarbayev", Associate Professor of the Department of History of Kazakhstan and socio-political disciplines Kaliyeva KS The program "Ruhani Zagyru" was presented to students and teachers. 

On November 26, 2018, the "Ruhani Zhangyru" center was opened at the AltSU as a platform for students' interaction in the development and implementation of joint projects. During the event, a presentation and an online conference were held between teams of students from Kazakhstan and Russia to implement joint projects and initiatives within the framework of the Year of Youth. 

On April 11, 2019, at the EKSTU, the Kazakh-Russian Border Youth Forum "Youth in the Global World" was held with the participation of a delegation from the Altai State University (RF), universities of East Kazakhstan.

On May 7, 2019, the International Student Scientific Online Conference "The Second World War and the Great Patriotic War in the historical memory of the peoples of Russia, Kazakhstan and China" took place, dedicated to the 74th anniversary of the Victory over Fascist Germany and Japan. The event was attended by students of EKSTU. D. Serikbaeva, VKGU them. S. Amanzholov, Altai State University (Russia) and Dalian University of Foreign Languages (China).

Together with the "House of Friendship-Center for Social Harmony" of the Akimat of the East Kazakhstan Region, the project "Formation of an intercultural tolerant space and the development of dialogue among the youth" was developed and implemented. On November 1-2, 2018, the XI Session of the School of Tolerance was organized with the participation of students and undergraduates from 4 regional universities of the region. While students were working out new areas of work on the program "Ruhani Zhanyru" among the youth, the effectiveness of current projects was analyzed.

On March 27, 2019, the Youth Debate Tournament was organized in 3 languages among university students of the city "Realization of the main directions of state. of the program "Rouhani zagyru". On an ongoing basis, meetings and dialogue platforms are organized with the staff of the ANK EKR.

The university and the department maintain close cooperation with the Regional Project Office for the implementation of the "Rouhani Zagyru" program in East Kazakhstan Oblast. The composition of the Expert Council of the Regional Project Office includes an associate professor of the Department of History of Kazakhstan and social and political disciplines Kaliyeva KS, an associate professor of the department Kazakh and Russian languages Erezhepova SK Head the head of the department "Ruhani zagyru" docent Sarsembayeva G.A. and G. Zhanabayeva, an employee of the Department for Social and Civil Development. are members of the Scientific Expert Group of the ANK EKR.

With the involvement of experts at the university, a system for monitoring the evaluative opinions of teachers and students on the implementation of the program, their personal participation in projects and events has been developed.