The department "Finance, accounting and taxation" is letting out on specialties:

  • bachelor degree course: 5B050800 "Accounting and Auditing" and 5B050900 "Finance";
  • master course: 6M050800 "Accounting and Auditing"

Training in specialty 5B050800 "Accounting and Auditing" and 5B050900 "Finance" is carried out using a credit technology based on secondary, post-secondary and higher education full-time and distance. Term of training on the basis of secondary education full-time is 4 years, on the basis of post-secondary education - 3 years of full-time and distance, on the basis of higher education - 2 years of distance. At the end of these specialties of EKSTU students receive the academic degree of Bachelor of Economics and Business in the relevant specialty.

Educational program 6M050900 "Accounting and Auditing" provides training to masters of profile and scientific, pedagogical direction with duration of 1 year and 2 years, respectively. Educational programs carried out by full-time education in Russian and Kazakh languages. Training in a magistracy is carried out in the following training paths: "Accounting and Auditing at the enterprises" and "Accounting and audit in organizations and institutions." At the end of university graduates receive the academic degree of Master of Economics and Business (economic sciences) on specialty 6M050800 "Accounting and Auditing".

For all specialties there are state educational standards, typical curricula, developed and approved educational-methodical documentation and teaching materials are fully developed. The content of the standard and working curricula of all the above specialties, methodical support of the educational process, the maximum amount of student workload meet the requirements of the requirements of SES and modern training. All disciplines are provided with the necessary instructional literature.

A modular approach is used in the formation of working curricula of specialties. In the the process of mastering of modules students acquire professional competencies that relate to the methodological principles of thinking, the acquisition of theoretical knowledge, practical skills development. The content of the curriculum is formed in accordance with the SES, types of plans and a catalog of elective disciplines, developed to meet the needs of the labor market, compliance with the essential requirements to the key (professional) competences for bachelors and masters of corresponding specialties.

The department regularly monitors compliance with the requirements of the production of educational programs and practices through the analysis of SES, curriculum courses specialties; collection and processing of proposals of members and chairmen of the SCC, reviewers theses, heads of professional practices; the study reviews the employers of graduates, and a survey of employers and graduates.

The educational process is provided by highly qualified teaching staff. Graduate Department staffed by teaching staff of 14 full-time teachers, 7 of which have PhD degree.

In implementing the educational programs teachers of the department apply new teaching methods, computer, multi-disciplinary, problem-oriented and project-oriented technology, multimedia equipment. Introduction of new methods and principles of teaching manifested in the use of active forms of employment: case-technology, assessment and analysis of specific economic and financial situations, conducting of business and commercial games, practiced on: "Evaluating the effectiveness of investment projects", "Financial Management", "Money, credit, banks »,« Technology of financial analysis "and others.

In order to increase the visibility of the material under study and instilling to students of practical skills to work with documents commonly used handout (schemes, cases, dossiers situation guidance), especially during sessions on: "Accounting and Auditing," "Management Accounting" "management analysis", "Tax", "financial Management", "financial Analysis Technique", "financial statements" and others.

Scientific seminar works at the Department by approved plan. Among the issues discussed at the seminar should be highlighted:

  • discussion of strategic programs and plans of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Republic of Kazakhstan universities and EKSTU;
  • discussion of the results of reciprocal visiting of classes by teachers of the department;
  • discussion of public employment;
  • revision of outdated work programs and other teaching materials, consideration of new teaching materials.

In 2008 - 2009 academic year, the department organized the first training of students to blue-collar occupation "Accountant-tax collector." Total of the beginning 2015 - 2016 academic year, 75 students received training and certification in the relevant specialty.

Выпускники специальности Организация производства Нуреев Р.М. – д.э.н., ординарный профессор Высшей школы экономики (г. Москва) Костырко Р.А. – д.э.н., профессор, Национальная Академия статистики, учета и аудита, г. Киев (Украина) Профессор Лычагин (НГТУ) с ППС и студентами