7М07101 - Automation and Control

The purpose of the educational program.

Training of engineering specialists in the field of automation and control, as well as scientific and pedagogical personnel

Training of specialists is carried out in two directions:

  • scientific and pedagogical (2 years).

Objectives of study in the master's degree:

  • Formation of the skills of graduates to carry out integrated design, development and creation of algorithmic, hardware and software for automation systems, management and control of technological processes and industries.
  • Formation of knowledge and skills in order to control automated complexes based on a systematic approach to solving problems.
  • Formation of judgment, logical thinking of a graduate, allowing to carry out experimental research activities for analytical and experimental work and research, for diagnostics and assessment of the state of units and technological processes using the necessary methods and means of control and analysis.
  • Formation of communication skills allowing to carry out scientific and pedagogical activities for carrying out research and experimental work using the necessary methods and means of management, control and analysis, as well as transfer existing knowledge and their rationale to specialists and non-specialists.
  • Preparing a graduate for self-study and mastering new professional knowledge and skills, continuous professional self-improvement.

General cultural competencies of the master are formed by understanding modern trends in the development of scientific knowledge and actual methodological and philosophical problems of natural sciences; knowledge of the methodology of scientific knowledge and the ability to apply scientific methods of knowledge in professional activity; the ability to think creatively and be creative in solving new problems and situations.

Professional competencies of the master are formed by the ability to carry out information-analytical and information-bibliographic work with the involvement of modern information technologies; to generalize the results of experimental research and analytical work; the ability to apply methods of calculating elements and nodes of automation and control systems, to carry out design work and draw up design and technological documentation in accordance with standards, specifications and other regulatory documents; the use of information and computer technologies in the field of professional activity, the use of modern methods for the development of energy-saving and environmentally friendly automation and control systems.

Master in the direction of training 7M07100 "Automation and Control" prepares for the following professional activities:

In addition to scientific and pedagogical training:

  • research;
  • educational (pedagogical).

Area of ​​professional activity.

Design of automated systems for various purposes, development of design and engineering and design and technological documentation, organization of automated production process control systems, research and innovation, pedagogical activities.

Object of professional activity.

Research centers, design and research organizations, governing bodies, educational institutions, industrial enterprises and other organizations of various forms of ownership.

With scientific and pedagogical training as: a teacher of state and non-state secondary, secondary specialized and higher educational institutions; researcher of research and other organizations of any form of ownership.

Functions of professional activity.

Development of design and engineering and design and technological documentation, organization of automated production process control systems, research and innovation activities, pedagogical activities.

The laboratories of the center of competencies and technology transfer in the field of automation and mechatronics, the center of advanced development Veritas are provided for master's students to conduct classes. In these laboratories, it is possible to conduct research in the direction of research in the field of automation and control.

Graduate students of the scientific and pedagogical direction are given the opportunity to undergo pedagogical practice on the basis of the department.


During the period of training, it is provided for graduate students to undergo production practice and internships on the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan in scientific research centers, including the center of advanced development Veritas, functioning at D. Serikbaev EKTU. The basis of practical and internship effectiveness is the independent and individual work of graduate students in the conditions of automated control of technological processes with a focus on scientific research aspects. An important factor is the formation of competencies and the acquisition of additional knowledge and skills for writing a master's thesis.

Visiting professors

Scientists and professors from near and far abroad take part in the program of attracting foreign scientists and specialists to the universities of Kazakhstan by reading courses for undergraduates. Invited students and consultants have the opportunity to conduct online and offline classes.

According to the program of academic mobility, the master's degree in "Automation and control" is being studied in Hungary, Poland.

Graduate students annually participate and actively publish the results of their research in the materials of international conferences of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Every year, graduate students take part and actively publish the results of their research in the materials of international conferences of the Republic of Kazakhstan, near and far abroad and magazines, including in the Vestnik EKTU.

Defense of master's theses

The defense of master's theses before the attestation commission is carried out with the demonstration of graphic material, accompanied by the presentation of the thesis on the chosen topic. As the chairman of the certification commission, leading scientists, employees of enterprises in the field of automation of technological/production processes are invited.