6М070200 - Automation and control (Скачать download)

A master on a specialty 6М070200 «Automation and control» can work: 

By profile preparation in quality: the engineer in the organizations and the enterprises where the automated control systems of technological processes and the manufactures, the automated information-operating systems of different function, the automated systems of reception, processing and the data transmission of different function, the automated systems of designing are used and developed;

At scientific and pedagogical training in quality: a teacher of the state and not state secondary, special and higher educational institutions; a scientific employee of research and other organizations of any pattern of ownership.

Objects of professional work of masters in direction 6М070200 «Automation and control» magistracies are scientific research institutes, research-and-production associations of any pattern of ownership, the state and not state educational institutions of any level.

Common cultural competence in direction EP 6М070200 «Automation and control» is formed by understanding of modern tendencies in scientific knowledge development and actual methodological and philosophic problems of natural sciences, knowledge of methodology of scientific knowledge and ability to apply scientific methods in professional activity; ability to think and solve new problems and situations creatively.

Professional competence of masters is formed by ability to spend information-analytical and information-bibliographical work with the help of modern information technologies; generalize results of experimental-research and analytical work; ability to apply methods for calculation of elements and units of automation and control systems, execute project-construction works and issue project and technological documentation according standards, technical conditions and others normative documentations; use information and computer technologies in the sphere of professional work, apply modern save energy and ecologically clear automation and control systems.

The graduate program goals:

  • Formation of the graduates' skills to carry out all-inclusive design, development and creation of algorithms, software and hardware of automation systems, management and control of technological processes and production.
  • Formation of knowledge and skills with the aim of controlling automated complexes using a systematic approach to solving problems.
  • Formation of graduates' judgment, logical thinking which allow carrying out experimental research activities for analytical and experimental work and research, for diagnosing and assessment of the state of facilities and processes with the application of necessary methods and tools of monitoring and analysis.
  • Formation of communicative skills allowing to carry out research and teaching activities for research and experimental work applying appropriate methods and means of control, monitoring and analysis, as well as to communicate existing knowledge and its rationale both to experts and non-experts.
  • Preparing graduates for independent learning and development of new professional knowledge and skills, continuous professional self-development.

The educational programmes Ba Ma "Automation and control" were accredited by Accreditation Agency Specialized in Accrediting Degree Programmes in Engineering, Informatics, the Natural Sciences and Mathematics (ASIIN e.v) until 2019.

6M071600 - Instrument Engineering (Скачать download)

In the master's training is conducted in two directions:

  • Profile (1.5 years);
  • Scientific and pedagogical (2 years).

The objects of professional activity of of Magistrates are:

  • By profile preparation - businesses and organizations of all sectors of the economy, production and consumption, the company different forms of ownership;
  • By scientific and pedagogical preparation - scientific and educational organizations.

Master of specialty 6M071600 - Instrument making can work:

  • by profile preparation - as a specialist enterprises and organizations of all sectors of the economy, production and consumption, firms of different ownership forms;
  • by scientific and pedagogical preparation - as a specialist enterprises and organizations of all sectors of the economy, production and consumption, firms of different ownership forms, and as a specialist in scientific, industrial and educational institutions.

Professional activities:

When profile preparation:

  • Organizational and management;
  • Design;
  • Design and technology.

With scientific and pedagogical training in addition:

  • Research;
  • Education (teaching).

Learning objectives in the master:

  • Training with a high level of professional culture, including the culture of professional dialogue with civil position, ability to formulate and practically solve modern scientific and practical problems, successfully engaging in research.
  • Preparing graduates for management and organizational activities with a high level of culture of professional communication for team-building, management decision-making in a range of opinions.
  • Preparing graduates for engineering design activities for the development and implementation of projects using automation tools, compiling information on the function and devices designed products, conducting technical calculations and technical documentation.
  • Preparing graduates for research activities for research and experimentation in the field of engineering.
  • Preparing graduates for teaching activities for teaching in secondary vocational, higher education institutions, development of manuals and implementation of educational work among students.

Goal 6: Preparing graduates for independent learning and development of new professional knowledge and skills, continuous professional self-improvement.

Rating "Independent agency for accreditation and rating" 2014 educational program EKSTU

The educational programmes Ba Ma " Instrument Engineering " were accredited by Independent Agency for Accreditation and Rating until 2020.

Educational program "Robotic unmanned vehicles"

Specialty 6M071600 "Instrument Engineering"- specialists are trained for engineering robotic unmanned vehicles, preparing, planning and implementing technical projects based on the engineering methodology system.

New competencies:

  • Know the purpose and be able to use unmanned vehicles
  • Apply various modeling techniques for designing drones.
  • Possess cartography technology for creating maps and Orto-plans.
  • Technical calculations for the projects of unmanned vehicles.

Entrance examinations for the Master course:

Сomprehensive the final examination specialty:

The procedure for preparation, writing, design and protection of the master's thesis: