6D070200 - Automation and management Скачать download

D. Serikbaev East Kazakhstan State Technical University trains doctors PhD in the specialty 6D070200 - Automation and management of full-time training on the basis of postgraduate education since 2013. Duration of training is 3 years.Educational activities carried out under license from the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Graduates of PhD in the specialty 6D070200 - Automation and Control awarded the degree of "Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in the specialty 6D070200- Automation and Control".

Intensive researches in the field of development, implementation of automated technologies and systems for industrial cluster of the East Kazakhstan region are conducted in behalf EKSTU D.Serikbaev in recent years.

School of doctors of sciences by specialty "Automation and Control" was created and successfully operates in the department "Instrument making and automation of technological processes"- Waldemar Wójcik (Lublin University of Technology, Poland), Győrgy Győrők (Obuda University, Hungary), Markin V., Tubalov N., (ASU behalf I.N.Polzunova, Russian Federation), Kvasov A., Erdybaeva N. (EKSTU behalf D.Serikbaev, the Republic of Kazakhstan).

The University has an agreement on cooperation in the implementation of joint educational programs to train professionals with accredited educational and scientific organizations - Lublin University of Technology (Poland), Óbuda University (Hungary), Altai State Technical University, Novosibirsk State University, Tomsk Polytechnic University (Russian Federation) and other universities near and far abroad.
More than 200 scientific papers on automation systems have published in various journals recommended by the Committee on the Control of Education and Science of RK, including foreign ones.

In EKSTU since 2004 on a specialty "Automation and Control" is preparing of professional staff by program bachelor and magistracy.

The sub-department has the necessary human, methodological, material and scientific resources.

Doctors of science including foreign ones, representing this specialty, and candidates are 12. According to the staffing of the University share of teachers with scientific titles and degrees that train professionals postgraduate education in cycles of basic and specialized disciplines is 100%. It meets the requirements of GOSO RK.

Working curricula and work training programs correspond SES RK.

The university has powerful research and experimental base. Used for teaching computer classes 19, including 4 modern computer module with Internet access.

The sub-department has specialized laboratories equipped with modern stand allows learn the basics of electronics, as well as automation systems allow to study programming industrial microcontrollers «Fastwel», «Mitsubishi» and «Siemens».

At the sub-department conducts research in the development of automated control systems and energy conservation in the program articulated in the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan. These studies carried out in a fixed pulpit research laboratory «Standardization, certification, energy audit».

Modern laboratory engineering profile «IRGETAS» operates. As bases practices identified the following organizations - JSC "UMP" LLP "Kazzinc", JSC "TMK", JSC "Vostokmashzavod", LLP "VNIItsvetmet", LLP "Iron Technician", LLP "Sinetik" LLP, "Open Technologies +" LLP "Techno analyte".

Minimum cost for one year of study the student meet the minimum level of costs provided by RK Government Resolution to approve the state order for training specialists with postgraduate education in the relevant academic year.

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