Scientific research work is carried out in 9 laboratories and in research and production centers by forces of teachers and involved experts, with participation of students and undergraduates, in cooperation with the enterprises of city and area organizations.

Main goals of scientific research work at department are: increase of scientific qualification of teachers, organization of scientific researches of students as a component of educational process, and also integration of scientific results and study programs of training of architects, designers, builders and technologists.

The project of cross-border cooperation "Altai – our general house" with participation of scientists from Kazakhstan, Russia, China and Mongolia on the development of a ring tourist route is implemented, the contract on cooperation is signed at the level of heads of regional administrations. Implementation of the project makes active a construction and tourist cluster of the region.

Students carry out scientific research work in SKB "Builder" where a hall of interactive design of "S-Line" and "Engineering" is a part of it.

The total amount of financed scientific research work on the department is more than 35 million tenges.

All performed works have important practical (applied) value, both for the separate enterprises, and for the region as a whole.

The faculty keeps contact with the production and has 23 contracts on scientific and technical cooperation.

Innovative activity

The innovative orientation of scientific research works of the department is realized through a wide range of development of a practical orientation.

Scientific research works of the department has an innovative focus and devoted: to applied scientific researches in the field of an assessment of seismic stability and strengthening of construction designs of buildings and constructions; to research of new effective constructive solutions of projected and operated designs of buildings and constructions; to certification of roads, to quality control of construction materials; to the solution of questions about power and resource-saving systems of water supply, the sewerage, heat gas supply and ventilation; to development of biologically active feed additives for animals and birds, to development of new construction materials from waste of power system and nonferrous metallurgy; to technologies of construction designs fixing by rasporny fastenings.

At the department of “Architecture and design”  innovative activity is realized through projects design and theoretical researches conducted in laboratories, divisions and branches of the department "Architectural Physics", "Design of Clothes", "East academic project", "Ust Kamenogorsk Arkhfond", Ltd “Arkhimas” under the leadership of professor Naumova V.I. and  associate professor Komlev S.V;

Rectors’ orders are among projects approaches – prospects of Studgorodok development, implementation of  President program – building project of left-bank part of the city, projects of municipal housing, modern housing estates and objects of service. Among the perspective directions – various city facilities and areas, elements of infrastructure of Studgorodok, including in an initiative order.

       At the department of “Construction of buildings and transport communications” scientific research work of department has an innovative focus and it is devoted: to applied scientific researches in the field of an assessment of seismic stability and strengthening of construction designs of buildings and constructions; to research of new effective constructive solutions of projected and operated designs of buildings and constructions; to certification of roads; to quality control of construction materials, including for the first time let out in the Republic of Kazakhstan

Implementation of recommendations of scientific production activity of the department of “Construction of buildings and transport communications” increases the term of operation of construction designs of buildings and constructions and prevents the technogenic and ecological disasters caused by a collapse of designs.

Activity of the department of “Rational use of the water air pool and heat gas supplies” directed on satisfaction of the requirements of the market economy in an innovative product in the department areas of work, namely additional innovative services (scientific service and maintenance of innovative projects, various consulting services, etc.); statement and solution of multicriteria innovative tasks; work of the student's scientific circles "Aqua", "Earth — Our General House".

The department carries out innovative activities for the development of actions directed on reduction of polluting substances emission in atmosphere and to reduction of polluting substances emission released in water object with sewage, the project works directed on improvement of the engineering equipment of university buildings, and also design of engineering networks and constructions.

Scientific research work of the department of “Materials construction, standardization and certification” has an innovative focus and devoted: to the development of new construction materials from waste of power system and nonferrous metallurgy; to the development of technology of fixing of construction designs by rasporny fastenings; to the development of new effective constructive solutions of projected and operated designs of buildings and constructions.

At the department of “Forest resources, technologies of a woodworking and processing productions” scientific research work has an innovative focus and devoted: to applied scientific researches in the field of development of food additives of the treatment-and-prophylactic direction for the population of ecologically adverse areas, and also biologically active feed additives for animals and  birds.

In Russia the teacher Bender O. A. defended the master's dissertation on competition of a scientific degree of the candidate of science.

The following employees are engaged in dissertation researches: Bukhantseva A.E. a subject "Architectural styles of the end of XIX  and the beginning of XX century in the historical cities of Kazakhstan (Ust-Kamenogorsk, Semipalatinsk, Pavlodar, Petropavlovsk), Golubeva O. A. a subject "Centers of the Historical Cities of Kazakhstan" (specialty 18.00.01 - "The theory and architecture history, reconstruction and restoration of historical and architectural heritage" in postgraduate study of NGAHA, Russia, Novosibirsk).

On the instructions of Administration being implemented initiative Project "The VKGTU Educational and Administrative building, with Application of Energy Saving Technologies". Within the project works is scientists of the Munich technical university (Germany) and Holtsbauer's (Austria) design architectural workshop. Higher educational institutions of Kazakhstan – KazNTU, KazGASA, KarGU and also higher educational institutions of Russia – UGTU, UPI, NGAHA, AGU are the base for professional development

Total number of the students involved to scientific research work of students at the department, including educational and research work of students makes 348 people, including the students involved to financed scientific research work – 36 people.

Scientific research work of students at the department is realized through: scientific researches (over 90% of degree projects and works contain elements of scientific research work of students); participation of students in the economic contractual works; more than 12% of students of older and younger courses, directly as participants are invited, or students carry out scientific development in scientific circles (S-Line, and "Engineering"). The total number of students in scientific circles makes about 140 people

The best development of bachelors, undergraduates and teachers of the department of “Architecture and Design” were presented many times in international and republican competitions, in reviews and fairs in Yerevan, Tyumen, Barnaul.