To ensure the training of specialists of the School of Nuclear and Traditional Energy Technologies, there are complexes of regulatory and methodological documents for educational programs 6B07103, 7M07103, 8D07103 "Thermal Power Engineering", 6B07104, 7M07104"Electric Power Engineering", 6B07113 "Electric Power and Nanoelectronics", 7M05302 "Materials for nuclear engineering", 7M07206 "Innovative methods of Uranium production". Training on educational programs is conducted in accordance with the State mandatory standard of Higher Education, approved by the Order of the Minister of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 31.10.2018. No. 604c (with amendments and additions approved by the Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 05.05.2020, No. 182), working curricula of educational programs approved by the University Council.
Students, undergraduates and doctoral students of the school's educational programs have the opportunity to participate in academic mobility programs and undergo foreign scientific internships at universities in Europe and the Russian Federation.
Control of students' knowledge
Since 2005, the assessment of students' knowledge at the university has been conducted according to a rating system. The current control over the quality of students' learning and knowledge is carried out by monthly test control of knowledge and surveys in the classroom. The results of the knowledge control are discussed at the curatorial hours of the groups and at school meetings. Quality management of education in the disciplines of educational programs 6B07103, 6B07104, 6B07113, 7M07103, 7M07104, 7M05302, 7M07206, 8D07103 is carried out using a rating system for assessing students' knowledge (Accounting for attendance, timeliness of work, intermediate knowledge control).
DP NAO "ЕKTU" 024-II-2021 "Intermediate, final control and assessment of students' knowledge in the NAO "ЕKTU named after D. Serikbayev"" was developed for the purpose of practical implementation of the concept of independent and objective control of students' knowledge during the examination session.
Serikbayev EKTU uses the main forms of final control of students' knowledge (exam):
- computer testing;
- examination using paper questionnaires;
- exam in ticket form.
Intermediate and current control are carried out by teachers independently. Final testing is conducted centrally through the University Testing Center. All students are required to take exams. It is prohibited to take exams automatically regardless of the training system.
Exams in the form of electronic testing are conducted in computer classes according to an approved schedule.
There is a schedule of consultations of teachers and a journal of mutual attendance of teachers' classes and control visits to classes by the dean. Open classes are discussed at school meetings.
Industrial practices
During the entire period of study, students undergo training, production and pre-graduate practice. Undergraduates, depending on the direction of training, undergo industrial practice (profile direction), research and pedagogical (scientific and pedagogical direction) practices.
Such large enterprises of the city as AES Ust-Kamenogorsk CHP LLP, AES Sogrinskaya CHP LLP, UMZ JSC, TMK JSC, Kazzinc LLP, Thermal Networks JSC, KEGOC JSC, VK REC JSC, KEMONT JSC, Ust-Kamenogorsk HPP NPP LLP, Shulbinskaya HPP NPP LLP act as bases of practice", RSE NNC RK, etc. During the period of practical training, 1st year students master the basic engineering qualification: according to the educational programs 6B07103 "Heat Power Engineering" - "Hot water boiler machinist", 6B07104 "Electric Power Engineering" and 6B07113 "Electric Power Engineering and nanoelectronics" - "Electrician for repair and maintenance of electrical equipment". Upon completion of the courses, a certificate of the established sample is issued.
Graduation design
At the end of the learning process, the student writes a graduation paper – a graduation project.
The main areas of graduation:
- according to the educational program 6B07104 "Electric Power Industry" – Design of power supply systems, Reconstruction of existing power supply systems, Design of the electrical part of substations, Energy conservation, Renewable energy sources;
- according to the educational program 6B07103 "Heat Power Engineering" – Design of boiler houses, Calculation of boiler units, Reconstruction of ash collection systems, Alternative energy sources (heat pump installations), Energy conservation, Renewable energy sources;
- according to the educational program 6B07113 "Electric power and nanoelectronics" - development and operation of electric power systems and their elements using micro- and nanotechnologies.
Diploma projects are 100% carried out using Microsoft Word, Excel, AutoCAD, Compass, Visio software.
Innovative areas include research and development:
- development of means to increase the level of electrical safety during operation;
- electrical installations with a voltage above 1000V;
- investigation of microprocessor protection against homogeneous earth faults in 6-10 kV networks at mining enterprises;
- * analysis of methods for determining energy losses in 6-10/0.4kV distribution networks;
- use of alternative sources of energy supply in the heat supply of residential complexes;
- development of methodology for modeling the reliability of power supply systems.