map In D. Serikbayev EKSTU the annual work on contracts is conducted for mutually beneficial cooperation in the sphere of education and scientific research with universities and organizations near and far abroad. At the end of 2014, the University had 113 agreements about partnerships with foreign universities and organizations about students, undergraduates, doctoral candidates, teachers exchange, and joint educational and scientific-innovative activity. During 2014, it was also singed 12 new agreements due to the program of Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan “Involving of foreign scientists and tutors to leading universities of Kazakhstan”.

Cooperation agreements also make relevant the program "Academic mobility".

In 2014 were carried out short-term internships of 194 master students degree and 40 doctoral students degree in universities of Russia (Moscow state technical university named after N. E. Bauman), Poland (Wroclaw University of technology, Lublin University of Technology), Germany (Department of land measurements and geo-information of Bavaria), Germany (TU Clausthal, Otto-von-Guericke university), Italy (University of Siena), Great Britain (Natural History Museum), Check Republic (Karlov University),Turkey (Firat University, Dokuz Eylul University), Azerbaijan, Hungary (University of Obuda).

In 2014 year 4 students - Kanapinova Saule, Maratova Aida, Sadykov Bauyrzhan, Tolykpayeva Madina studied in Lublin technical university in the framework of the program “Academic mobility”. Baideldinova Rashida is the participant of the DAAD program, in which she studied summer language courses in Germany. In October-November 2014, 2 master degree students of "Metallurgy" sub-department and "Geology and exploration of mineral deposits" sub-department studied at Akita University (Japan) winning scholarship of this University for the passage of short-term research educational program. 2 master degree students – Troeglazova Tatyana and Baishibayev Daulet studied one year in Novosibirsk state university.

Soltan G. Zh. had traineeship in Great Britain on the theme "Management in education" in the framework of the international scholarship "Bolashak" for a period of 1 year.

Thanks to the work of the Eastern branch of the International Association for the exchange of student traineeships of technical universities IAESTE, the University has the possibility to send the best students in foreign countries for internships (USA, Denmark, China, Germany, Spain, and Ireland).

Also in summer 2014, following students had traineeship in D. Serikbayev EKSTU: Architectural and constructional department – Daniel Antonio (from Spain); Information technology and power engineering department – 3 students – Tarifa Fatma (from the Republic of Tunisia), Falis Matus (from Slovak Republic) and Ion Michael Antonius (from Australia).

Information about international agreements