Goals and objectives:
- Development of current and prospective plans for the University.
- Development of the cost of services and works provided by the University. Preparation of staff schedules by type of personnel and sources of funding.
- Preparation of financial and statistical reports.
- Ensures efficient use of labor, material and money resources.
- Performs analytical work, including economic, financial, operational, current, and prospective types of analysis of the University's activities.
- Determines the number of faculty, teaching support, administrative staff and other personnel in accordance with the number of students enrolled in the state educational grant and on paid basis in accordance with current regulations.
Financial and analytical Department is guided by the following normative documents:
- The Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
- Current laws of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
- Orders and regulations from the Ministry of education and science of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
- The Charter of the University;
- Accounting policy of the University;
- Rules of internal labor regulations;
- Orders and regulations of the rector;
- Internal regulations of the University;
- Regulations on the financial and analytical Department;
- Other regulatory documents.