The Center is the supervising unit for scientific and industrial cooperation, joint scientific projects of VKTU and industrial enterprises, intellectual property, commercialization of the results of research work, implementation of experimental design work.
The main tasks of the Center:
- Development and implementation of the University's policy in the field of scientific and industrial cooperation, contract research by research centers commissioned by organizations of the East Kazakhstan region and the Republic of Kazakhstan, intellectual property, commercialization of the results of research work, implementation of experimental design work.
- Formation of a system of economic, legal, and administrative mechanisms and procedures of the University, ensuring the creation, maintenance and development of scientific and industrial cooperation.
- Expansion of the number of industrial partners of the University, establishment and development of cooperation in the field of contract research, joint scientific projects, industrial support for scientific and innovative activities of the University.
- Carrying out marketing research on the interest of technological enterprises as customers of contract research in the types and volumes of services.
- Search, conclusion and support of contracts for contract research.
- Formation of the university's intellectual property portfolio, its periodic analysis, changes in the list of IP objects included in it, depending on the life cycle of the IP object, its current demand in the market, the presence of competition and prospects.
- Organization of the work of the working group on the technological audit of scientific projects for their further commercialization.
- Organizing the submission of applications for a grant for the commercialization of R&D results, support and control over the implementation of the commercialization project.
- Ensuring the conditions for the normal operation and development of scientific centers, laboratories and other scientific departments of the University.
- Assistance in the provision of information, marketing and other services to employees of scientific centers engaged in contract research.
- Maintaining the process of informing the University management about potential or past violations of the anti-corruption policy, rules for resolving conflicts of interest, corruption risks or incidents, and the requirements of other internal normative documents of the University on combating corruption.