Specialized Accreditation: accreditation of individual educational programs of the university.

The presence of certificates of specialized accreditation confirms that the development of educational programs at the university meets the requirements of the time, that they are being improved in accordance with the needs of the modern economy and labor market, and are aimed at integration into the world educational space.

Accreditation Agency for Study Programmes in Engineering, Informatics, Natural Sciences and Mathematics (ASIIN)

Register of accredited educational programs

  Code Name Link to agency website
1 6В07301 Architecture https://www.asiin.de/ru/
2 7М07301 Architecture
3 6В07201 Metallurgy
4 7М07201 Metallurgy
5 6В07112 Mechanics and Metalworking Engineering
6 7М07111 Mechanics and Metalworking Engineering
7 6В07305 Civil Engineering
8 7М07305 Civil Engineering
9 7М07104 Electrical Power Engineering
10 7М07101  Automation and Control Engineering
Independent Agency for Quality Assurance in Education (IQAA)

Register of accredited educational programs

Code Name Link to agency website
1 6B05301 Technical physics https://iqaa.kz/
2 7M05301 Technical physics
3 6D072300 / 8D05301 Technical physics
4 6B11201 Life Safety and Environment Protection
5 7M11201 Life Safety and Environment Protection
6 6B07203 Mining Engineering
7 7М07203 Mining Engineering
Central Asian Association for Education Accreditation (CAAAE)

Register of accredited educational programs

Code Name Link to agency website
1 6В04101 Economics of E-commerce https://caaae.kz/
2 6B04103 Bussines Management Producation Systems
3 6В04104 Enterprise Accounting, Analysis and Audit
4 6B04106 Finance Management of High-Tech Enterprises
5 6B04108 Economics and Management
6 6B06103 Mathematical and computer modeling
7 6B06201 Radio, electronics and telecommunication engineering
8 6B07103 Heat and Power Engineering
9 6B07202 Mineral processing engineering
10 6B07204 Geology and Exploration of Mineral Deposits
11 6B07302 Geodesy and Cartography
12 6B07303 Production of Building Materials, Units and Structures
13 6B07311 Engineering systems and networks
14 6B07501 Standartization and Certification (in Branches)
15 6B08301 Forest Resources and Forestry
16 6B11301 Organization of Road Freight, Traffic & Transport Operation
17 6B11302 Logistics (Transport)
18 6B11303 Road traffic engineering
19 7М04101 Economics of Innovation
20 7M04103 Economics of Innovation
21 7M04105 Industrial management
22 7М04106 Enterprise Accounting and Auditing
23 7M04108 Financial analyst
24 7M05302 Materials for nuclear engineering
25 7M05401 Mathematics
26 7M06103 Mathematical and computer modellinging
27 7M07103 Heat and Power Engineering
28 7M07107 Transport, transport equipment & technologies
29 7M07108 Transport, transport equipment & technologies
30 7M07202 Mineral processing engineering
31 7M07204 Geology and Exploration of Mineral Deposits
32 7М07206 Innovative methods of uranium production
33 7M07302 Geodesy
34 7M07313 Civil Engineering
35 7М07501 Standartization and Certification (in Branches)
36 7М08301 Forest resources and forestry
37 8D07101 Automation and Control Engineering
38 8D07102 Mechanical engineering
39 8D07104 Transport, transport machinery and technologies
40 8D07201 Geology and Mineral Deposits Exploration
41 8D07202 Metallurgy
Independent Agency for Accreditation and Rating (IААR)