Higher Education Pedagogics

Abdygalieva Laura Isupkanovna

The instructor profile

Description: Discipline is an important element of professional training of the master. It is known that psychological and pedagogical culture is formed as a result of special training (postgraduate). The actual problem of pedagogy of higher school is the formation of the personality of a graduate student of the University in terms of its independent educational and cognitive activity.

Amount of credits: 3


  • Psycology of Management

Course Workload:

Types of classes hours
Lectures 15
Practical works 15
Laboratory works
SAWTG (Student Autonomous Work under Teacher Guidance) 15
SAW (Student autonomous work) 45
Form of final control Exam
Final assessment method

Component: University component

Cycle: Base disciplines

  • Formation of students ' basic ideas about the pedagogical process in the University and the basics of pedagogical skills of the teacher
  • Formation of a future teacher's comprehensive view of their professional activities, their object of work - an integral pedagogical process. Formation of the scientific worldview of the audience, development and awareness of the basic methodological position of the relationship between the historical and modern. Formation of pedagogical skills in undergraduates
Learning outcome: knowledge and understanding
  • Formation of students ' knowledge system about the pedagogical process of the University
Learning outcome: applying knowledge and understanding
  • Application of the main basic knowledge and ideas about the ways of organizing the pedagogical process in the University, to carry out educational work in accordance with the laws and educational mechanisms of the pedagogical process; to diagnose the educational process by the main characteristics (variables) and predict its further development;
Learning outcome: formation of judgments
  • About forms and methods of planning, organization of pedagogical activity, about educational tasks, to choose types of activity, forms and methods adequate to these tasks; about own approaches to the process of education and upbringing.
Learning outcome: communicative abilities
  • Ability to effectively interact with all members of the teaching process
Learning outcome: learning skills or learning abilities
  • Ability to use the fundamental and latest achievements of pedagogical science in professional activities
Teaching methods

In accordance with the requirements for training masters and the need to implement a competence-based approach in the educational process, the development of this discipline involves the use of traditional (lectures, seminars) and innovative educational technologies with the use of active and interactive forms of training in the educational process (brainstorming, business games, essays, author projects, presentations, competitions, master classes of specialists, meetings with representatives state and public organizations, etc.) and extracurricular work of masters in order to form and develop professional skills of higher school teachers.

Topics of lectures
  • Theme 1
Key reading
  • 1 Абдыманапов С.А., Нефедова Л.В., Ахметкаримова Г.С., Соколова М.Г. Тесты: теория и практика.- Астана, 2001.- 194 с. 2 Гузеев В.В. Педагогическая техника в контексте образовательной технологии. М. :Народное образование,2001.128с. 3 Pedagogy and Student Services for Institutional Transformation is funded by the U.S. Department of Education, Office of Postsecondary Education. 4 Pedagogic Approaches to Using Technology for Learning 5 Literature Review Graham Attwell and Jenny Hughes (Pontydysgu) for Lifelong Learning UK September 2010 6 Pedagogy, Curriculum, Teaching Practices and Teacher Education in Developing Countries December 2013 7 Pedagogy & Psychology. Theory and practice International scientific journal, № 2 (4), 2016 8 Джусубалиева Д., Мынбаев А. Закономерности образовательного пространства и информационное общество// Высшая школа Казахстана, 2000, №1, с.52-59. 9 Каймулдина А. Гуманитаризация технического образования// Высшая школа Казахстана,2000, №1, с. 78-74. 10 Ксензова Г.Ю. Оценочная деятельность учителя.- М., 2000.- 121 с. 11 Психология воспитания: Пособие для методистов дошкольного и начального школьного образования, преподавателей, психологов/ Под ред. В.А.Петровского.- М.: Аспект Пресс, 2005.- 152 с. 12 Пустовит В.В. и др. Новые формы организации вузовской лекции. М., 2008. 52 с. (НИИВШ).