
Aubakirova Zhanna Sakenovna

The instructor profile

Description: Sociology studies public attitudes, motives of behavior of various groups or individuals, analyzes the social system, social norms, values, roles, statuses, preferences, public opinion and many other phenomena that make up what we call "social life". Various tools are used to study social life.

Amount of credits: 2


  • Человек. Общество. Право. Школьный курс

Course Workload:

Types of classes hours
Lectures 15
Practical works 15
Laboratory works
SAWTG (Student Autonomous Work under Teacher Guidance) 15
SAW (Student autonomous work) 15
Form of final control Graded Credit
Final assessment method

Component: Mandatory component

Cycle: Secondary disciplines

  • The purpose of the course "Sociology" is to form students' scientific knowledge about the specifics of the functioning of the laws of social interaction and development, the features of social institutions, social structure and social relations, to form students' generalized understanding of the basic methods of collecting sociological information and skills of applying this knowledge in practice; formation of ideas about modern social organization and social development of society, about social interaction and social relations, to form the ability to analyze the social consequences of their professional activities; to form the ability to work in a team.
  • - To give an idea of the sociological approach to understanding society, the emergence of social communities and social groups, the types and directions of social processes and social changes; - To form a scientific worldview. - To give an idea of the methodology and methodology of applied sociological research, to instill in students the skills of practical use of theoretical knowledge in sociology. - To help the student in the formation of a system of social ties and relationships, in the formation of a worldview.
Learning outcome: knowledge and understanding
  • Education: knows the basic concepts of sociology, understands the reasons for the formation of a social structure and stratification system, knows the laws of social interaction and development, has an idea of sociological research.
Learning outcome: applying knowledge and understanding
  • He is able to apply the acquired knowledge about the basic methods of collecting sociological information, has the skill of public speaking, argumentation, and discussion. Information: knows the methodology for analyzing and evaluating the information received. Computer technology: uses modern information and educational technologies in work and self-development.
Learning outcome: formation of judgments
  • He is able to assess the socio-cultural conditions of daily, professional, and social activities. He can compare facts, formulate conclusions, build his own arguments, express and justify his position, and is able to interact with representatives of different genders, ethnic groups and faiths in accordance with the norms of ethics and law.
Learning outcome: communicative abilities
  • The skills of public speaking and discussion have been formed. He knows how to work in a group, knows how to organize the work of a small group, and participates in public life.
Learning outcome: learning skills or learning abilities
  • - has the ability to work independently with texts, websites, and search engines. - an interest in self-education has been developed.
Teaching methods

During the training sessions, the use of the following educational technologies is provided: - interactive lecture (the use of the following active forms of learning: guided (guided) discussion or conversation; moderation; demonstration of slides or educational films; brainstorming; motivational speech); - creation of scenarios for the development of various situations based on specified conditions; - information and communication (for example, classes in a computer classroom using professional application software packages); - search and research (independent research activities of students in the learning process); - solving educational tasks.

Assessment of the student's knowledge

Teacher oversees various tasks related to ongoing assessment and determines students' current performance twice during each academic period. Ratings 1 and 2 are formulated based on the outcomes of this ongoing assessment. The student's learning achievements are assessed using a 100-point scale, and the final grades P1 and P2 are calculated as the average of their ongoing performance evaluations. The teacher evaluates the student's work throughout the academic period in alignment with the assignment submission schedule for the discipline. The assessment system may incorporate a mix of written and oral, group and individual formats.

Period Type of task Total
1  rating Conspectus of lectures 0-100
Seminar work
Colloquium and control work
2  rating Conspectus of lectures 0-100
Seminar work
Colloquium and control work
Total control Graded Credit 0-100
The evaluating policy of learning outcomes by work type
Type of task 90-100 70-89 50-69 0-49
Excellent Good Satisfactory Unsatisfactory
oral survey A complete detailed answer to the questions was given, using analysis and comparison of material A complete detailed answer was given, but no analysis and comparison of material was applied The answers were incomplete, there were logical errors A complete detailed answer to the questions was given, using analysis and comparison of material
control work, terms test Correct and complete answers to all theoretical questions were given; The material was presented competently in compliance with a logical sequence; Demonstrated critical thinking skills. The terms were stated correctly. Correct, but incomplete answers to all theoretical questions were given, inaccuracies were made that did not change the meaning of the task; the task was completed, but a minor theoretical error was made; there is no analysis of the problem, the material is presented competently in compliance with a logical sequence. Not all questions were given correct, complete answers. Not all definitions are answered. (70-89%) The answers to theoretical questions are correct, but incomplete, there are inaccuracies in the formulations, there is no analysis of the problem; The practical task has not been completed completely; The material is presented competently, but the logical sequence is broken. Not all definitions are answered. (50-69%) Correct and complete answers to all theoretical questions were given; The material was presented competently in compliance with a logical sequence; Demonstrated critical thinking skills. The terms were stated correctly.
colloquium 90-100% correct answers to questions. Demonstrated skills in individual and group work. The work contains 70-89% correct answers to the questions. Demonstrated skills in individual and group work. The work contains 50-69% correct answers to the questions. Demonstrated skills in individual or group work. 90-100% correct answers to questions. Demonstrated skills in individual and group work.
Evaluation form

The student's final grade in the course is calculated on a 100 point grading scale, it includes:

  • 40% of the examination result;
  • 60% of current control result.

The final grade is calculated by the formula:

FG = 0,6 MT1+MT2 +0,4E


Where Midterm 1, Midterm 2are digital equivalents of the grades of Midterm 1 and 2;

E is a digital equivalent of the exam grade.

Final alphabetical grade and its equivalent in points:

The letter grading system for students' academic achievements, corresponding to the numerical equivalent on a four-point scale:

Alphabetical grade Numerical value Points (%) Traditional grade
A 4.0 95-100 Excellent
A- 3.67 90-94
B+ 3.33 85-89 Good
B 3.0 80-84
B- 2.67 75-79
C+ 2.33 70-74
C 2.0 65-69 Satisfactory
C- 1.67 60-64
D+ 1.33 55-59
D 1.0 50-54
FX 0.5 25-49 Unsatisfactory
F 0 0-24
Topics of lectures
  • The subject and method of sociology
  • The main stages of the formation and development of sociology
  • Methodology, methodology and organization of sociological research
  • Society as a system
  • Sociological concepts of personality
  • The social structure of society
  • Social institutions and organizations
  • Culture in the social system
  • The sociology of conflict
  • Economic sociology and economic behavior
  • Sociology of education
  • Sociology of mass communications
  • Sociology of the family
  • Social change: concept, theories, factors
  • Modern theories of social change
Key reading
  • 1. Gridina V.V. Sociology: methodology, methods and techniques of theoretical and applied research : educational and methodological manual / Gridina V.V. — Samara : Samara State Technical University, EBS DIA, 2020. — 95 p. — Text : electronic // Digital educational resource IPR SMART : [website]. — URL: 2. Pirogov, S. V. Fundamentals of sociology : a textbook / S. V. Pirogov ; edited by V. V. Kashpura. Tomsk : Tomsk State University Press, 2022. — 232 p. — ISBN 978-5-907572-11-9. — Text : electronic // Digital educational resource IPR SMART : [website]. — URL: 3. Kravchenko, A. I. Sociology of the city: theory and methodology : textbook / A. I. Kravchenko. — Moscow : AI Pi Ar Media, 2022. — 509 p. — ISBN 978-5-4497-1773-3. — Text : electronic // Digital educational resource IPR SMART : [website]. — URL:
Further reading
  • 1. Gabdullina K., Raisov E., 2019 p. Almaty, MRKE88, 2019. 2. Kravchenko Albert Ivanovich Sociology: textbook / A. I. Kravchenko; Moscow State University named after M. V. Lomonosov Moscow: Prospect, 2020. 3. Yadov Vladimir Alexandrovich Strategy of sociological research: description, explanation, understanding of social reality : textbook / Moscow: OMEGA-L, 2020. 4. Zabirova A.T., Astana, 2004, 145c. ISBN 9965-718-48-2, Macionis J. Society: The Basics. Pearson, 2016. 5. Sociology. Fundamentals of general theory: textbook / Edited by G.V. Osipov, L.N. Moskvichev. - 2nd ed., ispr. and add. - M.: Norma, 2015. - 912 p. 6. ScienceDirect - 7. EBSCO Discovery Service (EDS) -