Culture Studies

Dzhaxylykov Amantay Frunzevich

The instructor profile

Description: In the 20th century, humanitarian theory realized the need for a comprehensive study of man and phenomena of his life, primarily culture. The growth of national identity, as an element of growing local diversity, dictates a new set of subordination of cultures. In the new type of society, the need for a systematic analysis of culture as a sphere of state policy with well-founded management decisions is formed.

Amount of credits: 2


  • Человек. Общество. Право. Школьный курс

Course Workload:

Types of classes hours
Lectures 15
Practical works 15
Laboratory works
SAWTG (Student Autonomous Work under Teacher Guidance) 15
SAW (Student autonomous work) 15
Form of final control Exam
Final assessment method Written exam. The examination ticket for students studying according to the classical system consists of two questions. The duration of the exam is 1 hour 40 minutes. The student passed the exam if the final score is 50% or higher.

Component: Mandatory component

Cycle: Secondary disciplines

  • Formation of social and humanitarian outlook of students in the context of solving the tasks of modernization of the public consciousness, defined by the state program "Vision in the future: modernization of public consciousness.
  • - students learn basic sources and methods of obtaining cultural information; - inculcating the skills of using the knowledge acquired in the process of mastering cultural studies in professional activities. - formation of critical thinking skills and the ability to apply it in practice
Learning outcome: knowledge and understanding
  • demonstrate a systematic understanding of the main methods of cultural analysis in the study of different spheres of culture
Learning outcome: applying knowledge and understanding
  • based on the learned knowledge of culturology, to show understanding of culture on the basis of their professional ideas and skills.
Learning outcome: formation of judgments
  • -critically analyze, evaluate and synthesize cultural processes taking place at the country, regional, city level, etc. - to analyze the peculiarities of cultural institutions in the context of their role in the modernization of kazakhstani society.
Learning outcome: communicative abilities
  • - use modern technology and information technologies to solve communication problems.
Learning outcome: learning skills or learning abilities
  • - to assess the specific situation of relations in the society from the standpoint of a particular science of social and humanitarian type, to design the prospects еѐ development taking into account possible risks; - to develop programs for solving conflict situations in society, including in professional society.
Teaching methods

The following educational technologies are used during the training sessions: - interactive lecture (application of the following active forms of training: Guided (guided) discussion or conversation; moderation; demonstration of slides or training films; brainstorming; motivational speech); - creation of scenarios for the development of different situations based on the given conditions; - information and communication (e.g. computer class classes using professional application packages); - research (independant research activities of students during training); - solving educational tasks.

Assessment of the student's knowledge

Teacher oversees various tasks related to ongoing assessment and determines students' current performance twice during each academic period. Ratings 1 and 2 are formulated based on the outcomes of this ongoing assessment. The student's learning achievements are assessed using a 100-point scale, and the final grades P1 and P2 are calculated as the average of their ongoing performance evaluations. The teacher evaluates the student's work throughout the academic period in alignment with the assignment submission schedule for the discipline. The assessment system may incorporate a mix of written and oral, group and individual formats.

Period Type of task Total
1  rating seminars 0-100
Independent work
milestone testing
2  rating seminars 0-100
Independent work
milestone testing
Total control Exam 0-100
The evaluating policy of learning outcomes by work type
Type of task 90-100 70-89 50-69 0-49
Excellent Good Satisfactory Unsatisfactory
written survey Correct and complete answers to all theoretical questions are given; The material is presented competently in accordance with a logical sequence; Creative abilities are demonstrated. Correct but incomplete answers to all theoretical questions have been given, insignificant errors or inaccuracies have been made; The practical task has been completed, but a minor error has been made; The material is presented competently in accordance with the logical sequence. The answers to theoretical questions are correct in principle, but incomplete, inaccuracies in wording and logical errors are allowed; The practical task is not fully completed; The material is presented competently, but the logical sequence is broken. Correct and complete answers to all theoretical questions are given; The material is presented competently in accordance with a logical sequence; Creative abilities are demonstrated.
oral survey Correct and complete answers to all theoretical questions are given; The material is presented competently in accordance with a logical sequence; Creative abilities are demonstrated. Correct but incomplete answers to all theoretical questions have been given, insignificant errors or inaccuracies have been made; The practical task has been completed, but a minor error has been made; The material is presented competently in accordance with the logical sequence. The answers to theoretical questions are correct in principle, but incomplete, inaccuracies in wording and logical errors are allowed; The practical task is not fully completed; The material is presented competently, but the logical sequence is broken. Correct and complete answers to all theoretical questions are given; The material is presented competently in accordance with a logical sequence; Creative abilities are demonstrated.
testing Correct and complete answers to all theoretical questions are given; The material is presented competently in accordance with a logical sequence; Creative abilities are demonstrated. Correct but incomplete answers to all theoretical questions have been given, insignificant errors or inaccuracies have been made; The practical task has been completed, but a minor error has been made; The material is presented competently in accordance with the logical sequence. The answers to theoretical questions are correct in principle, but incomplete, inaccuracies in wording and logical errors are allowed; The practical task is not fully completed; The material is presented competently, but the logical sequence is broken. Correct and complete answers to all theoretical questions are given; The material is presented competently in accordance with a logical sequence; Creative abilities are demonstrated.
Evaluation form

The student's final grade in the course is calculated on a 100 point grading scale, it includes:

  • 40% of the examination result;
  • 60% of current control result.

The final grade is calculated by the formula:

FG = 0,6 MT1+MT2 +0,4E


Where Midterm 1, Midterm 2are digital equivalents of the grades of Midterm 1 and 2;

E is a digital equivalent of the exam grade.

Final alphabetical grade and its equivalent in points:

The letter grading system for students' academic achievements, corresponding to the numerical equivalent on a four-point scale:

Alphabetical grade Numerical value Points (%) Traditional grade
A 4.0 95-100 Excellent
A- 3.67 90-94
B+ 3.33 85-89 Good
B 3.0 80-84
B- 2.67 75-79
C+ 2.33 70-74
C 2.0 65-69 Satisfactory
C- 1.67 60-64
D+ 1.33 55-59
D 1.0 50-54
FX 0.5 25-49 Unsatisfactory
F 0 0-24
Topics of lectures
  • Topic - 1 Culture morphology
  • Topic - 2 Language of culture
  • Topic 3 - Semiotics of culture
  • Topic – 4 Anatomy of culture
  • Topic – 5 Culture of the nomads of Kazakhstan
  • Topic 6 - Cultural heritage of Proto-Turks
  • Topic -7 Medieval Culture Of Central Asia
  • Topic – 8 Cultural heritage of the Turks
  • Topic – 9 Formation of Kazakh culture
  • Topic – 10 Kazakh culture at the turn of the XVIII - the end of XIX centuries
  • Topic – 11 Kazakh culture of the 20th century
  • Topic – 12 Kazakh culture in the context of modern world processes Kazakh culture in the context of globalization
  • Topic - 13 Culture of the peoples of the world
  • Topic - 14 Culture of ethnic groups of Kazakhstan
  • Topic 15 State Program "Cultural Heritage"
Key reading
  • 1. Gabitov T.H. Kazahskaya kultura: Uchebnik/ Almaty: Lantar Trejd, 2022. 2. Gabitov T.H. Kulturologiya/ KazNU, Almaty, 2019 3. Barnard Alan. «Antropologiya tarihy men teoriyasy»/per. na kaz.yaz. pod rukov. Kulsarieva A.T., Masalimova A.R. – A., 2017. 4. Moltobarova K.I. «Mәdeniettanu». - A, 2018. 5. Lotman Yu. «Semiosphera» , Almaty: Ұlttyқ audarma byurosy, 2019. 6. Yanson Tore «The history of Language», Almaty: Ұlttyқ audarma byurosy, 2019. 7. Gombrih Ernst «The History of Art», Almaty: Ұlttyқ audarma byurosy, 2019. 8. Ғabitov T.H. Қazaқ mәdenietiniң teoriyasy tarihy / ZhOO-na arnalғan oқulyқ. Tolyқtyrғan, өndegen zhәne bezendirgen Zejnullin R. – Almaty: Қazaқ universiteti, 2021.
Further reading
  • 1. «Vseobshaya istoriya zhivopisi». – M., EKSMO, 2010. 2. Gabitov T.H., Mutalipov Zh., Kulsarieva A. «Kulturologiya». - Almaty, Raritet, 2008. 3. Kurmangalieva G.K., Nysanbaev A.N., Soloveva G.G., Sejtahmetova L.N. «Nasledie al-Farabi i sovremennaya filosofiya vzaimoponimaniya». – Almaty. 2011 4. Nurzhanov B.G., Erzhanova A.M. «Kulturologiya». - Almaty, 2011. 5. Bejsenova G.A. «Problemy globalizacii i identichnosti» – A., Print, 2009. 6. Gabitov T.H. «Kazahi: Opyt kulturologicheskogo analiza». – Saarbrcken: Germany Academic Publishing GmbH & Co. Kg lap lambert. - Heinrich-Bccking-Str. 6-8, 66121. - KG LAP LAMBERT, GERMANIYa, 2012.