Fundamentals of Anti-Corruption Culture
Description: The introduction and development of the subject is related to the implementation of the concept of the anti-corruption policy of the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2022-2026, where the main priorities in the higher education system are the anti-corruption culture and consciousness of students through anti-corruption education and the formation of civil identity and socio-legal skills and competences aimed at inculcating "absolute intolerance" to corruption and violations. The subject is aimed at strengthening the educational culture and consciousness of young students, the principles of academic honesty and openness.
Amount of credits: 5
- Fundamentals of Law
Course Workload:
Types of classes | hours |
Lectures | 15 |
Practical works | 30 |
Laboratory works | |
SAWTG (Student Autonomous Work under Teacher Guidance) | 30 |
SAW (Student autonomous work) | 75 |
Form of final control | Exam |
Final assessment method | oral exam |
Component: Component by selection
Cycle: Secondary disciplines
- The introduction and development of the subject is related to the implementation of the concept of the anti-corruption policy of the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2022-2026, where the main priorities in the higher education system are the anti-corruption culture and consciousness of students through anti-corruption education and the formation of civil identity and socio-legal skills and competences aimed at inculcating "absolute intolerance" to corruption and violations. The subject is aimed at strengthening the educational culture and consciousness of young students, the principles of academic honesty and openness.
- - to provide comprehensive knowledge about the essence and factors of corruption, its various manifestations; - to develop a legal culture of the individual that contributes to combating corruption; - to equip with knowledge, skills and skills to combat corruption; - develop the ability to critically analyze corruption phenomena; - to create a moral and moral social environment in the VKTU "The Territory of integrity", in which there is no place for the manifestation and formation of corruption as a social phenomenon and offense
Learning outcome: knowledge and understanding
- 1. to know: - the essence of corruption and the reasons for its origin; - measures of moral and legal responsibility for corruption offenses; - current legislation in the field of anti-corruption
Learning outcome: applying knowledge and understanding
- work on improving the level of moral and legal culture; - to use spiritual and moral mechanisms to prevent corruption
Learning outcome: formation of judgments
- to realize the values of moral consciousness and follow moral norms in everyday practice;
Learning outcome: communicative abilities
- improve the anti-corruption culture; - act in a conflict of interest situation
Learning outcome: learning skills or learning abilities
- measure the level of corruption using cross-country and national methodologies; - analyze situations of conflict of interest and moral choice
Teaching methods
When conducting training sessions, the following educational technologies are provided for: - classical: lectures, seminars, independent work, consultations, interviews, colloquium, exam; - student-centered learning based on a reflexive approach to learning on the part of the student; - logical and analytical technologies: logical schemes, tables, reports on course topics; - communication technologies: Socratic dialogue, group discussion, conference, "small groups"; search and research (independent research activity of students in the learning process); - solving educational tasks.
Assessment of the student's knowledge
Teacher oversees various tasks related to ongoing assessment and determines students' current performance twice during each academic period. Ratings 1 and 2 are formulated based on the outcomes of this ongoing assessment. The student's learning achievements are assessed using a 100-point scale, and the final grades P1 and P2 are calculated as the average of their ongoing performance evaluations. The teacher evaluates the student's work throughout the academic period in alignment with the assignment submission schedule for the discipline. The assessment system may incorporate a mix of written and oral, group and individual formats.
Period | Type of task | Total |
Total control | Exam | 0-100 |
The evaluating policy of learning outcomes by work type
Type of task | 90-100 | 70-89 | 50-69 | 0-49 |
Excellent | Good | Satisfactory | Unsatisfactory | |
written survey | Correct and complete answers to all theoretical questions are given; The material is presented competently in compliance with a logical sequence; Demonstrated creativity. | Correct, but incomplete answers to all theoretical questions were given, minor errors or inaccuracies were made; The practical task was completed, but a minor error was made; The material is presented competently and in a logical sequence. | The answers to theoretical questions are correct in principle, but incomplete; there are inaccuracies in formulations and logical errors; The practical task has not been completed completely; The material is presented competently, but the logical sequence is broken. | Correct and complete answers to all theoretical questions are given; The material is presented competently in compliance with a logical sequence; Demonstrated creativity. |
recitation | Correct and complete answers to all theoretical questions are given; The material is presented competently in compliance with a logical sequence; Demonstrated creativity. | Correct, but incomplete answers to all theoretical questions were given, minor errors or inaccuracies were made; The practical task was completed, but a minor error was made; The material is presented competently and in a logical sequence. | The answers to theoretical questions are correct in principle, but incomplete; there are inaccuracies in formulations and logical errors; The practical task has not been completed completely; The material is presented competently, but the logical sequence is broken. | Correct and complete answers to all theoretical questions are given; The material is presented competently in compliance with a logical sequence; Demonstrated creativity. |
test | contain 90-100% correct answers to questions | contain 70-89 % correct answers to questions | contain 50-69% correct answers to questions | contain 90-100% correct answers to questions |
Evaluation form
The student's final grade in the course is calculated on a 100 point grading scale, it includes:
- 40% of the examination result;
- 60% of current control result.
The final grade is calculated by the formula:
FG = 0,6 | MT1+MT2 | +0,4E |
2 |
Where Midterm 1, Midterm 2are digital equivalents of the grades of Midterm 1 and 2;
E is a digital equivalent of the exam grade.
Final alphabetical grade and its equivalent in points:
The letter grading system for students' academic achievements, corresponding to the numerical equivalent on a four-point scale:
Alphabetical grade | Numerical value | Points (%) | Traditional grade |
A | 4.0 | 95-100 | Excellent |
A- | 3.67 | 90-94 | |
B+ | 3.33 | 85-89 | Good |
B | 3.0 | 80-84 | |
B- | 2.67 | 75-79 | |
C+ | 2.33 | 70-74 | |
C | 2.0 | 65-69 | Satisfactory |
C- | 1.67 | 60-64 | |
D+ | 1.33 | 55-59 | |
D | 1.0 | 50-54 | |
FX | 0.5 | 25-49 | Unsatisfactory |
F | 0 | 0-24 |
Topics of lectures
- Subject "Fundamentals of anti-corruption culture" in the implementation of the anti-corruption strategy of the Republic of Kazakhstan
- Anti-corruption policy of the Republic of Kazakhstan: main directions and legislation
- Corruption offences, legal responsibility for corruption offenses provided for by the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan
- International anti-corruption standards: stages of formation, main types
- The concept of "conflict of interest": meaning, appearance, elimination mechanisms
- Formation of anti-corruption culture in international practice
- Forming an anti-corruption mindset through the education and training system
- Academic Integrity: Meaning and Meaning
- Formation of academic integrity in the educational system of foreign countries
- Code of Academic Integrity of Serikbayev State Technical University
Key reading
- 1. Koncepciya antikorrupcionnoj politiki Respubliki Kazahstan na 2022-2026 gody. Ukaz Prezidenta RK ot 2 fevralya 2022g. 2. ZAKON RK O protivodejstvii korrupcii ot 24 noyabrya 2015g. (s izmeneniyami i dopolneniyami po sostoyaniyu na 29.12.2021 g.) 3. UGOLOVNYJ KODEKS RESPUBLIKI KAZAHSTAN (s izmeneniyami i dopolneniyami po sostoyaniyu na 12.09.2022 g.) ot 21.05.22 g. № 123-VII (vvodyatsya v dejstvie s 24 noyabrya 2022 g.) 4. Konvenciya OON protiv korrupcii (31 oktyabrya 2003 g.). 5. Stambul'skij plan dejstvij po bor'be protiv korrupcii. Obzor zakonodatel'no-pravovoj i institucional'noj bazy dlya bor'by s korrupciej. Kazahstan:obobshchennaya ocenka i rekomendacii,prinyatye na chetvertoj obzornoj vstreche 20–21 oktyabrya 2005 g.,OESR, Parizh. ribery/35716643.pdf 6. Kodeks akademicheskoj chestnosti studentov NAO «VKTU imeni D. Serikbaeva», 7. Antikorrupcionnyj standart NAO «VKTU imeni D. Serikbaeva», 8. Sistema menedzhmenta protivodejstviya korrupcii v NAO «VKTU imeni D. Serikbaeva», 9. Pravila razresheniya konflikta interesov v NAO «VKTU imeni D. Serikbaeva». 10. NACIONAL'NYJ DOKLAD O PROTIVODEJSTVII KORRUPCII za 2021 god.
Further reading
- 1. Koncepciya antikorrupcionnoj politiki Respubliki Kazahstan na 2022-2026 gody. Ukaz Prezidenta RK ot 2 fevralya 2022g. 2. ZAKON RK O protivodejstvii korrupcii ot 24 noyabrya 2015g. (s izmeneniyami i dopolneniyami po sostoyaniyu na 29.12.2021 g.) 3. UGOLOVNYJ KODEKS RESPUBLIKI KAZAHSTAN (s izmeneniyami i dopolneniyami po sostoyaniyu na 12.09.2022 g.) ot 21.05.22 g. № 123-VII (vvodyatsya v dejstvie s 24 noyabrya 2022 g.) 4. Konvenciya OON protiv korrupcii (31 oktyabrya 2003 g.). 5. Stambul'skij plan dejstvij po bor'be protiv korrupcii. Obzor zakonodatel'no-pravovoj i institucional'noj bazy dlya bor'by s korrupciej. Kazahstan:obobshchennaya ocenka i rekomendacii,prinyatye na chetvertoj obzornoj vstreche 20–21 oktyabrya 2005 g.,OESR, Parizh. ribery/35716643.pdf 6. Kodeks akademicheskoj chestnosti studentov NAO «VKTU imeni D. Serikbaeva», 7. Antikorrupcionnyj standart NAO «VKTU imeni D. Serikbaeva», 8. Sistema menedzhmenta protivodejstviya korrupcii v NAO «VKTU imeni D. Serikbaeva», 9. Pravila razresheniya konflikta interesov v NAO «VKTU imeni D. Serikbaeva». 10. NACIONAL'NYJ DOKLAD O PROTIVODEJSTVII KORRUPCII za 2021 god.