Political Science
Description: Political science provides students with an opportunity to learn basic political science concepts, see the essence of politics as a social phenomenon, identify its structural elements, internal and external connections and relations at the micro and macro levels, determine the main trends and regularities occurring in various political systems, and gain knowledge about modern political methods.
Amount of credits: 2
- Человек. Общество. Право. Школьный курс
Course Workload:
Types of classes | hours |
Lectures | 15 |
Practical works | 15 |
Laboratory works | |
SAWTG (Student Autonomous Work under Teacher Guidance) | 15 |
SAW (Student autonomous work) | 15 |
Form of final control | Exam |
Final assessment method | exam |
Component: Mandatory component
Cycle: Secondary disciplines
- The objective of the course "Political Science" is to provide students with systematic knowledge of the political sphere of public life, which should provide the ability to analyze political phenomena and processes, to make informed political choices, to take an active position in life, as well as help the future specialists in developing their own worldview.
- 1. Course objectives: - to define the place of political science in the system of knowledge about society, to reveal the specificity of its object of research, object and methods; - to study the history of origin, the most important milestones in the evolution of political thought; - to analyze the basic political teachings and concepts; to understand such fundamental institutions, phenomena and problems of modern society as power, civil society, the rule of law, politics, forms of political system, political regimes, political culture. - to form ideas about principles, categories of political science, its problems and values; - to define the factors contributing to political self-expression of the individual, humanization of politics; - to form the skills to analyze the peculiarities of the development of the political process and the political life of peoples and states.
Learning outcome: knowledge and understanding
- Education: knows the basic concepts of political science, human and civil rights, has an idea of civil society and the rule of law, knows how to distinguish between signs of legitimate and signs of extremist activity, has the skill of a tolerant existence. Information: knows the methodology for analyzing and evaluating the information received. Computer technology: uses modern information and educational technologies in work and self-development. Ethics: is able to interact with representatives of different genders, ethnicities and faiths in accordance with the norms of ethics and law. Knows the norms of ethics and law.
Learning outcome: applying knowledge and understanding
- -is able to realize the rights and freedoms of a citizen in various spheres of life. --knows how to interact with government agencies, -is able to interact with representatives of different genders, ethnic groups and faiths in accordance with the norms of ethics and law. - recognizes the right of everyone to political and ideological choice; -defends his political ideals and values in a reasoned manner, -participates in the formation of the political system of the Kazakh society as a voter, - knows political science terminology;
Learning outcome: formation of judgments
- - is able to identify theoretical, applied, and value aspects of political knowledge, - applies them to justify decisions concerning both everyday life and professional activities; - analyzes legislative initiatives, - has critical thinking skills;
Learning outcome: communicative abilities
- Public life: they actively participate in public life. Communication and teamwork. The ability to work in a group, knows how to organize the work of a small group.
Learning outcome: learning skills or learning abilities
- - has the ability to work independently with texts, websites, and search engines. - an interest in self-education has been developed.
Teaching methods
During the training sessions, the use of the following educational technologies is provided: - interactive lecture (the use of the following active forms of learning: guided discussion or conversation; moderation; brainstorming; motivational speech); - creation of scenarios for the development of various situations based on the specified conditions; - search and research (independent research activities of students in the learning process); - solving educational tasks.
Assessment of the student's knowledge
Teacher oversees various tasks related to ongoing assessment and determines students' current performance twice during each academic period. Ratings 1 and 2 are formulated based on the outcomes of this ongoing assessment. The student's learning achievements are assessed using a 100-point scale, and the final grades P1 and P2 are calculated as the average of their ongoing performance evaluations. The teacher evaluates the student's work throughout the academic period in alignment with the assignment submission schedule for the discipline. The assessment system may incorporate a mix of written and oral, group and individual formats.
Period | Type of task | Total |
1 rating | Conspectus of lectures | 0-100 |
Seminar work | ||
Colloquium and control work | ||
2 rating | Conspectus of lectures | 0-100 |
Seminar work | ||
Colloquium and control work | ||
Total control | Exam | 0-100 |
The evaluating policy of learning outcomes by work type
Type of task | 90-100 | 70-89 | 50-69 | 0-49 |
Excellent | Good | Satisfactory | Unsatisfactory | |
oral survey | A full detailed answer to the questions is given, using analysis and comparison of the material. | A full detailed answer is given, but the analysis and comparison of the material is not applied, an incomplete answer is given | The answers are incomplete, logical errors have been made | A full detailed answer to the questions is given, using analysis and comparison of the material. |
Evaluation form
The student's final grade in the course is calculated on a 100 point grading scale, it includes:
- 40% of the examination result;
- 60% of current control result.
The final grade is calculated by the formula:
FG = 0,6 | MT1+MT2 | +0,4E |
2 |
Where Midterm 1, Midterm 2are digital equivalents of the grades of Midterm 1 and 2;
E is a digital equivalent of the exam grade.
Final alphabetical grade and its equivalent in points:
The letter grading system for students' academic achievements, corresponding to the numerical equivalent on a four-point scale:
Alphabetical grade | Numerical value | Points (%) | Traditional grade |
A | 4.0 | 95-100 | Excellent |
A- | 3.67 | 90-94 | |
B+ | 3.33 | 85-89 | Good |
B | 3.0 | 80-84 | |
B- | 2.67 | 75-79 | |
C+ | 2.33 | 70-74 | |
C | 2.0 | 65-69 | Satisfactory |
C- | 1.67 | 60-64 | |
D+ | 1.33 | 55-59 | |
D | 1.0 | 50-54 | |
FX | 0.5 | 25-49 | Unsatisfactory |
F | 0 | 0-24 |
Topics of lectures
- The subject and method of political science
- The history of the development of political thought
- Political power and the mechanisms of its implementation
- The state in the political system
- The political system and civil society
- Political regimes
- Political elites, political leadership: their role and significance
- Political parties, party systems, socio-political movements and organizations
- Political culture and political socialization
- Elections and electoral systems
- Conflict and crisis situations in politics
- Political technologies
- Political ideologies: essence and types
- The political process and political changes
- World politics and modern international relations
Key reading
- Solovyov, A. I. Political science : textbook for universities / A. I. Solovyov. — 3rd ed. — Moscow : Aspect Press, 2024. — 440 p. — ISBN 978-5-7567-1150-9. — Text : electronic // Digital educational resource IPR SMART : [website]. — URL: https://www.iprbookshop.ru/139685.html. Political science and sociology : an educational and methodological complex / . — Astana : Kazakh Agrotechnical University named after S. Seifullin, 2016. — 186 p. — Text : electronic // Digital educational resource IPR SMART : [website]. — URL: https://www.iprbookshop.ru/128060.html. Political science : a textbook / compiled by A. A. Imanbayev, G. M. Imanbekova. — Almaty, Moscow : EDP Hub (Idipi Hub), AI Pi Ar Media, 2023. — 207 c. — ISBN 978-5-4497-2207-2. — Text : electronic // Digital educational resource IPR SMART : [website]. — URL: https://www.iprbookshop.ru/132661.html
Further reading
- 1. Political Science: a textbook/ Ed. Nysanbayeva A.N., Almaty, 2020. https://library.tou.edu.kz/fulltext/buuk/b589.pdf 2. Gadzhiev K.S. Political Science. Textbook. – M., 2019. https://urait.ru/book/politologiya-510428 3. Andrew Heywood Political Science. Textbook. Almaty., 2019 https://openu.kz/ru/book/sayasattanu 4. Smorgunov L.V. Comparative Political Science, M., St. Petersburg: St. Petersburg Publishing House, 2012, reprint 2020. https://www.klex.ru/ue7 5. Mukhaev R.T. Political Science., 4th edition, revised and supplemented. M., 2022. 6. Laws of the Republic of Kazakhstan: https://www.akorda.kz/ru/official_documents/constitution Constitutional Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated September 28, 1995 "On Elections in the Republic of Kazakhstan" Constitutional Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated November 2, 1995 "On the Republican Referendum" Constitutional Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated June 4, 2007 "On State Symbols of the Republic of Kazakhstan" https://online .zakon.kz/Document/?doc_id=1006061 7. Andrey Khan, Marat Shibutov, Andrey Chebotarev, Rustem Kurmanguzhin, Ayman Zhusupova. "Kazakhstan. We are 30", "History of independent Kazakhstan: government and executive power", "History of independent Kazakhstan: political modernization", "History of independent Kazakhstan: parliamentarism and local self-government", "History of independent Kazakhstan: foreign policy", "History of independent Kazakhstan: Institute of Presidency". Almaty.2022