Physical Education

Baydeldinova Larisa Mikhaylovna

The instructor profile

Description: This program is aimed at the study of general education discipline “Physical Education”, providing physical training in accordance with the world standards of education. The program defines joint cooperation between teacher and student in the process of physical education throughout the training in the context of the requirements to the level of mastering the discipline. Practical classes provide for the mastering of knowledge, motor skills and skills, the formation of students' experience in the implementation of physical education, health and fitness and training programs. Translated with (free version)

Amount of credits: 8


  • Физическая культура. Школьный курс
  • Физическая культура. Школьный курс
  • Физическая культура. Школьный курс
  • Физическая культура. Школьный курс

Course Workload:

Types of classes hours
Practical works 30
Laboratory works
SAWTG (Student Autonomous Work under Teacher Guidance) 15
SAW (Student autonomous work) 15
Graded Credit
Form of final control Graded Credit
Final assessment method

Component: Mandatory component

Cycle: Secondary disciplines

  • The purpose of the program is the formation of social and personal competencies of students and the ability to purposefully use the means and methods of physical culture, providing the preservation and promotion of health to prepare for professional activity; to endure physical loads, neuropsychic stress and adverse factors in future work activities.
  • To achieve the goal, the following educational, health and educational tasks should be solved: 1) to provide basic science-based knowledge about the use of physical culture and sports in the development of vital physical qualities to preserve health and maintain optimal professional performance; 2) formation of a motivational and value attitude to physical culture and the need for systematic physical exercises and sports; 3) health promotion, hardening and increasing the body's resistance to the effects of adverse factors of labor activity; 4) education of discipline, collectivism, comradely mutual assistance; 5) education of mental stability, self-confidence, determination, courage and determination, initiative, perseverance and perseverance, endurance and self-control; 6) development and improvement of basic motor qualities – endurance, strength, speed, agility, flexibility; 7) to ensure the acquisition of versatile skills and abilities for the development of physical abilities, socio-cultural experience and socio-cultural values of physical culture and sports; 8) development of communication skills, in particular the ability to use information from various sources, clearly present it in an appropriate form; 9) development of thinking skills, self-development skills and research skills.
Learning outcome: knowledge and understanding
  • To know the basics of physical culture and a healthy lifestyle; to understand the social role of physical culture in the development of personality and its preparation for professional activity. Understand the role of physical culture in society, human development.
Learning outcome: applying knowledge and understanding
  • Apply means of physical culture, use sports and professional-applied physical training to acquire individual and collective experience of physical culture and sports activities; be able to regulate their motor activity, maintain the necessary level of physical and functional fitness during the period of study
Learning outcome: formation of judgments
  • The ability to justify judgments in detail, to give definitions, to provide evidence.
Learning outcome: communicative abilities
  • Integration of disciplines of the psychological and pedagogical cycle and pedagogical practice aimed at the formation of a communicative culture among students; creation of a developing educational environment, a system of psychological and pedagogical diagnostics, as well as conducting special courses, trainings, special seminars and other forms of business communication that contribute to the cognitive effectiveness of the educational process.
Learning outcome: learning skills or learning abilities
  • In the process of physical education form skills and abilities for rational possession of natural movements - in running, jumping, throwing, swimming, skiing and other applied motor actions, as well as performance of sports and technical techniques. These applied motor skills retain their great practical importance for modern human life conditions. In addition, it creates important prerequisites for apprenticeship training.
Teaching methods

The priority direction of the university is to improve the quality of education through the use of modern educational technologies in physical education classes and during training sessions. The relevance of modern technologies in physical education classes is determined by the special role of a healthy lifestyle at the present stage of development of mankind as a whole and each individual student. Coach - teacher, using modern technologies, can improve not only physical qualities, but also develop the creative potential of students. When conducting training sessions it is envisaged to use the following educational technologies: 1) health-saving technologies; 2) game technologies; 3) communicative technologies; 4) problem-modular learning technologies: 5) search and research (independent research activity of students in the learning process).

Topics of lectures
  • 1
Key reading
  • 1. Begidova T. P. Theory and organization of adaptive physical culture. M.: Yurait, 2019.192 p. 2. Bishaeva A.A., Malkov A.A. Physical culture. Textbook. Moscow: Knorus, 2020. 312 с. 3. Bulykina L. V., Guba V. P. Volleyball: textbook / L. V. Bulykin - M, Sovetsky Sport, 2020. - 412 с. 4. Bagnetova, E. A. Hygiene of physical education and sport. Course of lectures / E.A. Bagnetova. - Moscow: Phoenix, 2016. - 256 c. 5. Burukhin S. F. Methodology of teaching physical culture. Gymnastics. Moscow: Yurait, 2019. 174 с. 6. Vilensky M. Y., Gorshkov A. G. Physical culture. Textbook. Moscow: Knorus, 2020. 216 с. 7. Weiner E. N. Valeology: textbook for universities. Flinta Publishing House, 2016.- 449 p. 8. Ermakova S.G., Pochatkova O.N. Athletics. Textbook. ASPSU: IPR Media, 2019. IPR SMART 9. Zhdankina E.F. I.M., Dobrynin I.M. Ski training of students in higher education: textbook / - Ekaterinburg: Izd-v Ural. unta, 2015. - 126с. 10. Zhilkin A.I., Kuzmin V.S., Sidorchuk E.V. Athletics; Academy - Moscow, 2015. - 464 c. 11. Kachashkin V. M. Methodology of physical education / V.M. Kachashkin. - Moscow: Prosveshchenie, 2015. - 304 c. 12. Konovalov V.L. Basketball: a textbook for SPE / V.L. Konovalov, V.A. Pogodin. -2nd ed.-Sankt-Petersburg: Lan, 2023. - 84с. 13. Kuznetsov V.S., Kolodnitsky G.A. Theory and History of Physical Culture. Moscow: Knorus, 2020. 448 с. 14. Kuznetsov V. S., Kolodnitsky G. A. Physical Culture. Textbook. Moscow: Knorus, 2020. 256 с. 15. Ozolin N.G., Voronin V.I., Primakov Y.I. Athletics. Textbook for physical training institutes. -4th iz. prerab. And supplement. - M: Alliance, 2017-671c. 16. Loman, Wolfgang Running, jumping, throwing / Wolfgang Loman. - M.: Fizkultura i Sport, 2015. - 160 c. 17. Physical culture and physical training: Textbook. / Edited by V.Y. Kikotya, I.S. Barchukov. - M.: UNITY, 2016. - 431 c. 18. Yamaletdinova G.A. Pedagogy of physical culture and sport: a course of lectures: [textbook] / G. A. Yamaletdinova; Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, Ural Federal University. Federation, Ural Federal University. - Ekaterinburg: Izd-v. Ural. un-ta, 2014. - 244 с.
Further reading
  • 1. Galetskaya L.N. Physical culture of students of special education department: Manual / L.N. Geletskaya, D.A. Shubin, I.Yu. Birdigulova. - M.: Infra-M, 2015.472s. 2. Motor activity and human health: (theoretical and methodological foundations of health-improving physical training): textbook. Shchankin A.A., Nikolaev V.S., Direct-Media. -2015.-80с. 3. Kachanov L. N., Shapekova N., Marchibaeva U. Therapeutic physical culture and massage. Textbook. Moscow: Foliant, 2018. 272 с. 4. Litosh N. L. Adaptive physical culture for children with developmental disorders. Psychological and pedagogical support. Moscow: Yurait, 2020. 170 с. 5. Reshetnikov N.V. Physical culture: Textbook/N.V. Reshetnikov. - M.: Akademiya,2018.-228s.