Theoretical Background of Electrotechnics
Description: The discipline includes issues of application of electromagnetic phenomena for the creation, transmission and distribution of electricity, solving problems of electrical engineering, electrical technology, signal and information transmission. Contains the general theory of circuits and engineering methods for their calculation, analysis and synthesis of electrical circuits. The issues of steady-state processes in linear electrical circuits are considered.
Amount of credits: 5
Course Workload:
Types of classes | hours |
Lectures | 15 |
Practical works | 15 |
Laboratory works | 15 |
SAWTG (Student Autonomous Work under Teacher Guidance) | 30 |
SAW (Student autonomous work) | 75 |
Form of final control | Exam |
Final assessment method | Oral ticket exam. 1 theory question - 30 b 2 question on theory - 30 b 3 question task - 40 b |
Component: University component
Cycle: Base disciplines
- the study of both qualitative and quantitative aspects of steady-state processes in linear electrical circuits of single-phase sinusoidal and three-phase current. This course, based on physics and higher mathematics courses, contains the general theory of circuits and engineering methods for their calculation, analysis and synthesis. It is of exceptional importance for the formation of the scientific outlook of specialists in the electric power industry, and all electric power disciplines are based on it.
- it consists in mastering modern methods of analysis and calculation of electrical circuits, knowledge of which is necessary to understand and creatively solve engineering problems of the specialty being studied, in developing ideas about methods of applying the theory and methodology of the course in special disciplines.
Learning outcome: knowledge and understanding
- Know electrical laws and methods of analysis of electrical and magnetic circuits, electrical terminology and symbols
- They must know the design, principle of operation, properties, scope of application of the main elements of electrical circuits.
Learning outcome: applying knowledge and understanding
- Be able to carry out calculations according to standard methods and be able to organize the inclusion of electrical appliances, apparatuses, their management and control of their safe operation, practical work
Learning outcome: formation of judgments
- Be able to organize workplaces, their technical equipment, placement of technological equipment in accordance with production technology, safety standards and industrial sanitation, fire safety and labor protection
Learning outcome: communicative abilities
- Have the ability to quickly adapt the basic laws of the discipline in professional activity, apply modern information technologies, methods of mathematical analysis and modeling when performing laboratory and experimental research; – the ability to use fundamental and latest achievements in electrical engineering; – the ability to find organizational and managerial solutions in production situations
Learning outcome: learning skills or learning abilities
- Mastering modern methods of analysis and calculation of electrical circuits, knowledge of which is necessary for understanding and creative solution of engineering problems of the studied specialty
Teaching methods
In the conditions of credit technology of training, classes should be conducted mainly in active and creative forms. Among the effective pedagogical methods and technologies that contribute to the involvement of students in the search and management of knowledge, the acquisition of experience in solving problems independently, it should be highlighted: - technology of problem- and project-oriented learning; - technologies of educational and research activities; - communication technologies (discussion, press conference, brainstorming, educational debates and others active forms and methods); - the method of case studies (situation analysis); - game technologies in which students participate in business, role-playing, simulation games; - information and communication (including distance education) technologies.
Assessment of the student's knowledge
Teacher oversees various tasks related to ongoing assessment and determines students' current performance twice during each academic period. Ratings 1 and 2 are formulated based on the outcomes of this ongoing assessment. The student's learning achievements are assessed using a 100-point scale, and the final grades P1 and P2 are calculated as the average of their ongoing performance evaluations. The teacher evaluates the student's work throughout the academic period in alignment with the assignment submission schedule for the discipline. The assessment system may incorporate a mix of written and oral, group and individual formats.
Period | Type of task | Total |
1 rating | report - great electrical scientists | 0-100 |
Computational and graphical work (RGR 1) is the calculation of a branched linear DC electrical circuit with several sources of electrical energy. | ||
Computational and graphical work (RGR 2) - Calculation of an unbranched sinusoidal current circuit | ||
SRSP tasks – 4 pcs – for different methods of calculating circuits | ||
Rating test | ||
2 rating | Computational and graphical work (RGR 3) - Calculation of a branched sinusoidal current circuit. | 0-100 |
SRSP tasks – 4 pcs – for different methods of calculating circuits | ||
Computational and graphical work (RGR 4) - Calculation of a three-phase circuit. | ||
Control work | ||
Rating test | ||
Total control | Exam | 0-100 |
The evaluating policy of learning outcomes by work type
Type of task | 90-100 | 70-89 | 50-69 | 0-49 |
Excellent | Good | Satisfactory | Unsatisfactory | |
Interview on control issues | demonstrates system theoretical knowledge, owns terminology, logically and consistently explains the essence of phenomena and processes, makes reasoned conclusions and generalizations, gives examples, shows fluency in monologue speech and the ability to quickly respond to clarifying questions | demonstrates solid theoretical knowledge, owns terminology, logically and consistently explains the essence of phenomena and processes, makes reasoned conclusions and generalizations, gives examples, shows fluency in monologue speech, but at the same time makes insignificant mistakes that he corrects independently or with minor correction by the teacher | demonstrates shallow theoretical knowledge, shows poorly formed skills of analyzing phenomena and processes, insufficient ability to draw reasoned conclusions and give examples, shows insufficient fluency in monologue speech, terminology, logic and consistency of presentation, makes mistakes that can be corrected only when corrected by a teacher. | demonstrates system theoretical knowledge, owns terminology, logically and consistently explains the essence of phenomena and processes, makes reasoned conclusions and generalizations, gives examples, shows fluency in monologue speech and the ability to quickly respond to clarifying questions |
Work in practical (seminar) classes | completed the practical work in full compliance with the necessary sequence of actions; in response, correctly and accurately performs all records, tables, drawings, drawings, graphs, calculations; correctly performs error analysis. When answering questions, he correctly understands the essence of the question, gives an accurate definition and interpretation of the basic concepts; accompanies the answer with new examples, is able to apply knowledge in a new situation; can establish a connection between the studied and previously studied material, as well as with the material learned in the study of other disciplines. | I fulfilled the requirements for the "5" rating, but 2-3 shortcomings were made. The student's answer to the questions satisfies the basic requirements for the answer to 5, but is given without applying knowledge in a new situation, without using connections with previously studied material and material learned in the study of other disciplines; one mistake or no more than two shortcomings are made, the student can correct them independently or with a little help from a teacher. | I did not complete the work completely, but not less than 50% of the volume of practical work, which allows me to get the correct results and conclusions; mistakes were made during the work. When answering questions, the student correctly understands the essence of the question, but in the answer there are separate problems in the assimilation of the course questions that do not prevent further assimilation of the program material; no more than one gross error and two shortcomings were made. | completed the practical work in full compliance with the necessary sequence of actions; in response, correctly and accurately performs all records, tables, drawings, drawings, graphs, calculations; correctly performs error analysis. When answering questions, he correctly understands the essence of the question, gives an accurate definition and interpretation of the basic concepts; accompanies the answer with new examples, is able to apply knowledge in a new situation; can establish a connection between the studied and previously studied material, as well as with the material learned in the study of other disciplines. |
Tasks in the test form for border control | 100-90% correct answers | 89-70% correct answers | 69-50% correct answers | 100-90% correct answers |
Evaluation form
The student's final grade in the course is calculated on a 100 point grading scale, it includes:
- 40% of the examination result;
- 60% of current control result.
The final grade is calculated by the formula:
FG = 0,6 | MT1+MT2 | +0,4E |
2 |
Where Midterm 1, Midterm 2are digital equivalents of the grades of Midterm 1 and 2;
E is a digital equivalent of the exam grade.
Final alphabetical grade and its equivalent in points:
The letter grading system for students' academic achievements, corresponding to the numerical equivalent on a four-point scale:
Alphabetical grade | Numerical value | Points (%) | Traditional grade |
A | 4.0 | 95-100 | Excellent |
A- | 3.67 | 90-94 | |
B+ | 3.33 | 85-89 | Good |
B | 3.0 | 80-84 | |
B- | 2.67 | 75-79 | |
C+ | 2.33 | 70-74 | |
C | 2.0 | 65-69 | Satisfactory |
C- | 1.67 | 60-64 | |
D+ | 1.33 | 55-59 | |
D | 1.0 | 50-54 | |
FX | 0.5 | 25-49 | Unsatisfactory |
F | 0 | 0-24 |
Topics of lectures
- Introduction
- Basic concepts and laws of circuit theory
- DC electrical circuits
- Potential diagram
- Electrical circuits of single-phase sinusoidal current
- A steady sinusoidal current in a resistor
- An integrated method for calculating electrical circuits at steady state sinusoidal currents
- Parallel connection of elements R, L, C; Kirchhoff's laws in complex form
- Resonance and frequency characteristics
- Brief historical information about the development of three-phase circuits
- Calculation of three-phase unbalanced circuits with a star connection (with a neutral wire: Z= 0)
- Calculation of three-phase asymmetric circuits when connected by a triangle
- Inductively coupled circuits
Key reading
- 1."lektricheskie maşiny: ucheb. posobie" / A.L. Vstovskii. M.- Krasnoıarsk: INFRA-M: Sib. feder. un-t, 2019. 2. "lektricheskie maşiny, lektroprivod i sistemy intellektualnogo upravleniıa lektrotehnicheskimi kompleksami: ucheb. posobie" / A.E. Polıakov, A.V. CHesnokov, E.M. Filimonova. M.: FORUM: INFRA-M, 2019. 3."Teoreticheskie osnovy lektrotehniki (dlıa bakalavrov)" / S.M. Apollonskii, A.L. Vinogradov. M.: KnoRus, 2019. 4. Elektrotekhnika i elektronika v eksperimentah i uprazhneniyah. Praktikum. V 2-h t. /Pod red. D. I. Panfilova. -M.: DODEKA, 2000. - t. 2. - Elektronika. - 288 s. 5. Demirchyan K.S., Nejman L.R., Korovkin N.V. Teoreticheskie osnovy elektrotekhniki. - Uchebnik dlya vuzov. 5-e izd. T. 1 - SPb.: Piter, 2004 - 512 s.: il. 6. Atabekov G.I. Teoreticheskie osnovy elektrotekhniki. T. 1 - Uchebnik dlya vuzov. - M. : Energiya, 2008 7. Basharin V.V. Teoreticheskie osnovy elektrotekhniki. - Uchebnik dlya vuzov. M.: Akademiya, 2004 – 304 s. 8. Linejnye elektricheskie cepi postoyannogo i odnofaznogo sinusoidal'nyh tokov. Konspekt lekcij po TOE, chast' 1/ Mustafina R.M., Mustafina G.M., Isenov S.S., Rahimberdinova D.M., -Pavlodar, NIC PGU, 2006 – 142 s.
Further reading
- 1 Linejnye cepi odnofaznogo sinusoidal'nogo toka. Metodicheskie ukazaniya i kontrol'nye zadaniya po TOE, Kontrol'naya rabota № 2/ Mustafina R.M., Insebaev T.A., Drobinskij A.V., Mustafina G.M., – Pavlodar, NIC PGU, 2003–31 s. 2 Linejnye cepi postoyannogo toka. Metodicheskie ukazaniya i kontrol'nye zadaniya po TOE. Kontrol'naya rabota № 1/ Mustafina R.M., Insebaev T.A., Drobinskij A.V., Mustafina G.M., – Pavlodar, NIC PGU, 2003–28 s 3 Linejnye elektricheskie cepi postoyannogo i odnofaznogo sinusoidal'nyh tokov. Konspekt lekcij po TOE, chast' 1/ Mustafina R.M., Mustafina G.M., Isenov S.S., Rahimberdinova D.M., - Pavlodar, NIC PGU, 2006 – 142 s. 4 Perekhodnye processy v linejnyh cepyah s sosredotochennymi parametrami. Metodicheskie ukazaniya i zadaniya k raschetno-graficheskoj rabote po TOE/ Mustafina R.M., Mustafina G.M., Volikova M.P. – Pavlodar, NIC PGU, 2003–29 s. 5 Perekhodnye processy. Metodicheskie ukazaniya i zadaniya na kontrol'nuyu rabotu po TOE. Kontrol'naya rabota № 3/ Mustafina R.M., Mustafina G.M., Volikova M.P. – Pavlodar, NIC PGU, 2003–69 s. 6 Raschet perekhodnyh processov v linejnyh cepyah s sosredotochennymi parametrami. Metodicheskie ukazaniya k prakticheskim zanyatiyam po TOE/ Mustafina R.M., Isenov S.S., Mustafina G.M., – Pavlodar, NIC PGU, 2005–73 s. 7 Raschet linejnyh elektricheskih cepej postoyannogo i odnofaznogo sinusoidal'nogo tokov. Metodicheskie ukazaniya k prakticheskim zanyatiyam po TOE/ Mustafina R.M., Tastenov A.D., Mustafina G.M., Utegulova D.B., Pakizh O.Yu. - Pavlodar, NIC PGU, 2006 – 98 s. 8 Raschet linejnyh elektricheskih cepej trekhfaznogo sinusoidal'nogo i nesinusoidal'nogo tokov. Metodicheskie ukazaniya k prakticheskim zanyatiyam po TOE/ Mustafina R.M., Kislov A.P., Mustafina G.M., Isenov S.S., - Pavlodar, NIC PGU, 2006- 70 s. 9 Raschet linejnyh trekhfaznyh cepej. Metodicheskie ukazaniya k raschetno-graficheskoj rabote po TOE/ Mustafina R.M., Drobinskij A.V., Mustafina G.M., - Pavlodar, NIC PGU, 2006 - 10 Teoriya linejnyh elektricheskih cepej trekhfaznogo sinusoidal'nogo i nesinusoidal'nogo tokov. Konspekt lekcij po TOE/ Utegulov B.B., Mustafina R.M., Tastenov A.D., Mustafina G.M., Isenov S.S., - Pavlodar, NIC PGU, 2006- 70 s. 11 Teoriya linejnyh i nelinejnyh cepej. Metodicheskie ukazaniya k laboratornym rabotam po TOE/ Mustafina R.M., Drobinskij A.V., Gluhova N.I., – Pavlodar, NIC PGU, 2005–53 s. 12 Uchebno-metodicheskoe posobie. Linejnye elektricheskie cepi. Testovye zadaniya po TOE, chast' 1/ Mustafina R.M., Isenov S.S., Mustafina G.M., – Pavlodar, NIC PGU, 2004–59 s. 13 Cepi postoyannogo toka. Metodicheskie ukazaniya i zadaniya k raschetno-graficheskoj rabote po TOE/ Mustafina R.M., Mustafina G.M., Gluhova N.I. – Pavlodar, NIC PGU, 2003–37 s. 14 Cepi odnofaznogo sinusoidal'nogo toka. Metodicheskie ukazaniya i zadaniya k raschetno-graficheskoj rabote po TOE/ Mustafina R.M., Mustafina G.M., Gluhova N.I. – Pavlodar, NIC PGU, 2003–31 s. 15 Mustafina R.M., Orazova G.O. i dr. Teoriya linejnyh elektricheskih cepej. Metodicheskie ukazaniya k laboratornym rabotam po teoreticheskim osnovam elektrotekhniki. Chast' 1 – Izd-vo «Kereku» PGU im. S.Torajgyrova, 2008 - Pavlodar, 75 s.