Foreign Language

Kayroldina Aray Kanybekovna

The instructor profile

Description: Within the scope of the course, the student masters the skills and abilities of reading, listening, writing and speaking; develops practical knowledge of a foreign language necessary for its active use in everyday and professionally oriented communication; communicative, linguistic and sociocultural competences are formed.

Amount of credits: 10


  • Foreign Language
  • Иностранный язык. Школьный курс

Course Workload:

Types of classes hours
Practical works 45
Laboratory works
SAWTG (Student Autonomous Work under Teacher Guidance) 30
SAW (Student autonomous work) 75
Form of final control Abstract
Final assessment method a written exam

Component: Mandatory component

Cycle: Secondary disciplines

  • Training in practical knowledge of a foreign language for its active use in everyday communication.
  • - mastering a certain amount of linguistic and ethnocultural knowledge;
  • - formation of oral, written speech, reading and speech understanding skills at an elementary level;
  • - implementation of humanization of training of future specialists in the areas of educational programs.
Learning outcome: knowledge and understanding
  • knowledge of linguistic means (phonetic, spelling, lexical, grammatical) in accordance with the topics and situations of communication;
Learning outcome: applying knowledge and understanding
  • - recognition of studied lexical units (words, phrases, cliché remarks of speech etiquette) and grammatical structures in written and spoken text;
Learning outcome: formation of judgments
  • - the ability to express one’s opinion, impressions and desires within the studied topic, contextual guesswork;
Learning outcome: communicative abilities
  • the use of four main types of speech activity (speaking, listening, reading, writing) to solve communicative problems;
Learning outcome: learning skills or learning abilities
  • - ability to plan and organize independent work when studying and using language material.
Teaching methods

- Interactive practical lesson (“Questions-answers-discussion”)

Problem-based learning methods

Search method using ICT

Mini project

Assessment of the student's knowledge

Teacher oversees various tasks related to ongoing assessment and determines students' current performance twice during each academic period. Ratings 1 and 2 are formulated based on the outcomes of this ongoing assessment. The student's learning achievements are assessed using a 100-point scale, and the final grades P1 and P2 are calculated as the average of their ongoing performance evaluations. The teacher evaluates the student's work throughout the academic period in alignment with the assignment submission schedule for the discipline. The assessment system may incorporate a mix of written and oral, group and individual formats.

Period Type of task Total
1  rating testing 0-100
oral form
work in practical classes
tasks for an independent work of students
written form
2  rating testing 0-100
oral form
work in practical classes
tasks for an independent work of students
written form
Total control Abstract, Exam 0-100
The evaluating policy of learning outcomes by work type
Type of task 90-100 70-89 50-69 0-49
Excellent Good Satisfactory Unsatisfactory
Oral Shows fluency in monologue speech and the ability to quickly respond to questions Shows fluency in speech, but at the same time makes minor mistakes, which he corrects independently or with minor correction by the teacher Shows insufficient fluency in speech, logic and consistency of presentation, makes mistakes that can only be corrected by the teacher. Shows fluency in monologue speech and the ability to quickly respond to questions
Written form Completed the work in full in compliance with the required sequence of actions. Fulfilled the requirements for a “5” rating, but there were 2-3 shortcomings. If one mistake or no more than two shortcomings are made, the student can correct them independently or with a little help. Did not complete the work completely, but not less than 50% of the work; mistakes were made during the work. Completed the work in full in compliance with the required sequence of actions.
Testing 90-100% correct answers 70-89% correct answers 50-69% correct answers 90-100% correct answers
Evaluation form

The student's final grade in the course is calculated on a 100 point grading scale, it includes:

  • 40% of the examination result;
  • 60% of current control result.

The final grade is calculated by the formula:

FG = 0,6 MT1+MT2 +0,4E


Where Midterm 1, Midterm 2are digital equivalents of the grades of Midterm 1 and 2;

E is a digital equivalent of the exam grade.

Final alphabetical grade and its equivalent in points:

The letter grading system for students' academic achievements, corresponding to the numerical equivalent on a four-point scale:

Alphabetical grade Numerical value Points (%) Traditional grade
A 4.0 95-100 Excellent
A- 3.67 90-94
B+ 3.33 85-89 Good
B 3.0 80-84
B- 2.67 75-79
C+ 2.33 70-74
C 2.0 65-69 Satisfactory
C- 1.67 60-64
D+ 1.33 55-59
D 1.0 50-54
FX 0.5 25-49 Unsatisfactory
F 0 0-24
Topics of practical classes
  • Topic1
  • Topic2
  • Topic 3
  • Topic 4
  • Topic 5
  • Topic 6
  • Topic 7
  • Topic 8
Key reading
  • Murphy Raymond. Essential Grammar in Use. Elementary. Cambridge University Press. – 2013
  • Soars, Liz and John. New Headway, Fourth Edition, Oxford University Press, 2014.
  • Azar, Betty Sch., Understanding and Using English Grammar, Edition – 2015
  • Oxford University Press, Student’s Site, New Headway Elementary Fourth Edition
Further reading
  • Christina Latham-Koenig, Clive Oxenden. English File Third Edition
  • Англо-казахский словарь = Kazakh-English dictionary С. Г. Ахметова, Ж. Б. Турсунбаева, Ж. И. Искакова, Е. Ф. Яровая. – Алматы: Мектеп. – 2006
  • Баданбекқызы , З. Ағылшын және қазақ тілдерінің салыстырмалы грамматикасы: учебник / З. Баданбекқызы . - Алматы : Бастау , 2010.