History of Art
Description: Consideration of the patterns of formation of the artistic language of spatial arts in the context of world historical and cultural development; study of the stages of development of art, the evolution of artistic styles and trends; acquaintance with the main works of art created in the course of the cultural and historical development of different countries and regions.
Amount of credits: 5
- Introduction to Engineering
Course Workload:
Types of classes | hours |
Lectures | 15 |
Practical works | 30 |
Laboratory works | |
SAWTG (Student Autonomous Work under Teacher Guidance) | 30 |
SAW (Student autonomous work) | 75 |
Form of final control | Exam |
Final assessment method |
Component: Component by selection
Cycle: Base disciplines
- Master the features of the stylistic evolution of world art, historical and contemporary artistic concepts, creative styles of individual artists
- -study of the main stages in the development of world art; -development of the main styles of the general history of art; - acquisition of knowledge in the field of modern styles of world art, the study of the creative style of individual artists
Learning outcome: knowledge and understanding
- Know and understand the logical development of the architectonics of buildings, structures, and building types at a particular historical stage.
Learning outcome: applying knowledge and understanding
- Integrate knowledge of the features of architectural styles in the design process.
Learning outcome: formation of judgments
- Examine and compare architectural monuments, explain the logic of the development of the architectonics of buildings and structures.
Learning outcome: communicative abilities
- Apply the acquired knowledge and professional terminology to work with customers and colleagues.
Learning outcome: learning skills or learning abilities
- Use the acquired knowledge, professional terms and concepts in further training.
Key reading
- 1. Aksenova A.S. History of Art. Simply about the important. Styles, directions and trends, Eksmo. Russia, 2019.-280 p. [Electronic resource].-Access mode: http://maxima-library.org/new-books-2/b/445387 2. Gombrich E. History of Art. Art of the XXI century, Russia, 2017.-688 p. [Electronic resource].-Access mode: https://www.6lib.ru/books/istoria-iskusstva-164146.html 3. Kagan F.I. History of world architecture. Study guide for students. Ivanovo 2016. [Electronic resource] Access mode: https://ivgpu.ru/images/docs/ob-universitete/instituty-fakultety-kafedry/iadi/kafedry/ikt/publikatsii/ikt-uup-2.pdf
Further reading
- 1. Elkina M. B. Architecture. How to understand it. Evolution of buildings from the Neolithic to the present day, Publisher: Bombora, 2022. - 340 p. [Electronic resource]. - Access mode: https://libking.ru/books/sci-/science/1142746-2-mariya-elkina-arhitektura-kak-ee-ponimat-evolyuciya-zdanij-ot-neolita-do-nashih-dnej.html#book 2.7. Kuznetsova N.V. History of architecture. Part 1. The Main Stages of the History of World Architecture: a textbook – Tambov: Publishing House of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education “TSTU”, 2013. – 96 p. [Electronic resource] Access mode: https://www.tstu.ru/book/elib/pdf/2013/kuznecova-l.pdf 3.8. Dmitrieva N. A. A Brief History of Art. - M., 1985. (stereotype edition)