History of Art

Azangulova Aynur Orynbaevna

The instructor profile

Description: Consideration of the patterns of formation of the artistic language of spatial arts in the context of world historical and cultural development; study of the stages of development of art, the evolution of artistic styles and trends; acquaintance with the main works of art created in the course of the cultural and historical development of different countries and regions.

Amount of credits: 5


  • Introduction to Engineering

Course Workload:

Types of classes hours
Lectures 15
Practical works 30
Laboratory works
SAWTG (Student Autonomous Work under Teacher Guidance) 30
SAW (Student autonomous work) 75
Form of final control Exam
Final assessment method

Component: Component by selection

Cycle: Base disciplines

  • Master the features of the stylistic evolution of world art, historical and contemporary artistic concepts, creative styles of individual artists
  • -study of the main stages in the development of world art; -development of the main styles of the general history of art; - acquisition of knowledge in the field of modern styles of world art, the study of the creative style of individual artists
Learning outcome: knowledge and understanding
  • Know and understand the logical development of the architectonics of buildings, structures, and building types at a particular historical stage.
Learning outcome: applying knowledge and understanding
  • Integrate knowledge of the features of architectural styles in the design process.
Learning outcome: formation of judgments
  • Examine and compare architectural monuments, explain the logic of the development of the architectonics of buildings and structures.
Learning outcome: communicative abilities
  • Apply the acquired knowledge and professional terminology to work with customers and colleagues.
Learning outcome: learning skills or learning abilities
  • Use the acquired knowledge, professional terms and concepts in further training.
Key reading
  • 1. Aksenova A.S. History of Art. Simply about the important. Styles, directions and trends, Eksmo. Russia, 2019.-280 p. [Electronic resource].-Access mode: http://maxima-library.org/new-books-2/b/445387 2. Gombrich E. History of Art. Art of the XXI century, Russia, 2017.-688 p. [Electronic resource].-Access mode: https://www.6lib.ru/books/istoria-iskusstva-164146.html 3. Kagan F.I. History of world architecture. Study guide for students. Ivanovo 2016. [Electronic resource] Access mode: https://ivgpu.ru/images/docs/ob-universitete/instituty-fakultety-kafedry/iadi/kafedry/ikt/publikatsii/ikt-uup-2.pdf
Further reading
  • 1. Elkina M. B. Architecture. How to understand it. Evolution of buildings from the Neolithic to the present day, Publisher: Bombora, 2022. - 340 p. [Electronic resource]. - Access mode: https://libking.ru/books/sci-/science/1142746-2-mariya-elkina-arhitektura-kak-ee-ponimat-evolyuciya-zdanij-ot-neolita-do-nashih-dnej.html#book 2.7. Kuznetsova N.V. History of architecture. Part 1. The Main Stages of the History of World Architecture: a textbook – Tambov: Publishing House of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education “TSTU”, 2013. – 96 p. [Electronic resource] Access mode: https://www.tstu.ru/book/elib/pdf/2013/kuznecova-l.pdf 3.8. Dmitrieva N. A. A Brief History of Art. - M., 1985. (stereotype edition)