In late April, the University hosted the annual Interuniversity Student Scientific Chemistry Olympiad called "Theoretical and Experimental Chemistry - 2013" dedicated to the 90th anniversary of Y.K. Uvaliev birthday. About 80 students of two universities, D.Serikbyaev EKSTU and S.Amanzholov VKGU, took part in the contest.
At the Opening of the Olympiad a welcome speech was done by: Nicholay Linok, Vice President on educational and methodical work of D.Serikbyaev EKSTU, Aitkazy Adryshev, Doctor of technical sciences, professor, Dean of Mining and Metallurgical Faculty of EKSTU, Doctoc of philological sciences, professor Baurjan Erdembekov, Vice President for Strategic Development and Research, S.Amanzholov VKGU, colleague and follower Yu.Uvalieva, Candidate of Chemical Sciences, Associate Professor of Chemistry Department, S.Amanzholov VKGU, Rosa Aubakirova, Head of the department of chemistry, metallurgy and enrichment of .Serikbyaev EKSTU, Ph.D., Associate Professor Natalia Kulenova, Maykamal Usmanova, Professor of S.Amanzholov VKGU.
According to the contest results the first place among the participants of the Olympiad was given to Kuanish Ermuhanbetov, student of Mining and Metallurgical Faculty, group 11-MT-1,
Specialty "Metallurgy", second place to Hasen Temirlan, student of the Faculty of Environment and Natural Sciences, group XM-11-A, Specialty "Chemistry ", third place was awarded to Asel Syzdykova, student of the Mining and Metallurgical Faculty, group of 11-OП-1, Specialty" Enrichment of Mineral Resources".