About the course

Business communication is a form of communication based on the principles of business etiquette, aimed at interacting with people to achieve mutually beneficial results.

Skills of successful business communication and understanding of the personality of the interviewee, his interests are considered to be the determining factors of successful professional activity. Observance of etiquette of business communication is important not only in business negotiations, but also in everyday life, as it allows you to effectively interact with others.

The course forms students ' competent use of harmonious speech and behavioral strategies and tactics in the process of professional business communication. During the course students are given an idea of the norms of oral and written business speech, formed a complex communicative competence in the business language: abilities and initiatives in the individual, necessary for establishing interpersonal contact in professional, industrial activities.


ZHajnagul D. Adilbaeva, senior lecturer, disciplines: Russian language, professional Russian language.

Gulzada B. Asavbaeva, candidate of philological sciences, head of the department, disciplines: Russian language, professional Russian language.

Farida I. Bajbatanova, senior lecturer, disciplines: Kazakh language, professional Kazakh language.

Regina P. Dronsejka, candidate of philological sciences senior lecturer, disciplines: Russian language, professional Russian language.

Gulzhan T. Esimzhanova, senior lecturer, disciplines: Russian language, professional Russian language.

Saule K. Erezhepova, candidate of philological sciences, associate professor, disciplines: Russian language, professional Russian language.

Bejbitgul S. ZHaksylykova, senior lecturer, disciplines: Kazakh language, professional Kazakh language.

Zaru T. Sagitzhanova, candidate of philological sciences, senior lecturer, disciplines: Russian language, professional Russian language.

Darya S. Surova, candidate of philological sciences, associate professor, disciplines: Russian language, professional Russian language.

Alia K. Bakieva, senior lecturer, disciplines: Kazakh language, professional Kazakh language

Altynay K. Smagul , senior lecturer, disciplines: Russian language, professional Russian language.