About the course

The language of each science serves for communication between people in the scientific sphere and for recording scientific results. Scientific and technological progress generates a whole layer of new concepts and fill the language with new terminology. Along with the increase in the level of knowledge of representatives of various professions, the requirements for their speech also increase.

Mastering the language of science and technology the future specialist acquires a view of the world of his science, its results and methods. The language of science and technology opens up the possibility of constructing and operating models of scientific reality.


ZHajnagul D. Adilbaeva, senior lecturer, disciplines: Russian language, professional Russian language.

Gulzada B. Asavbaeva, candidate of philological sciences, head of the department, disciplines: Russian language, professional Russian language.

Farida I. Bajbatanova, senior lecturer, disciplines: Kazakh language, professional Kazakh language.

Regina P. Dronsejka, candidate of philological sciences senior lecturer, disciplines: Russian language, professional Russian language.

Gulzhan T. Esimzhanova, senior lecturer, disciplines: Russian language, professional Russian language.

Saule K. Erezhepova, candidate of philological sciences, associate professor, disciplines: Russian language, professional Russian language.

Bejbitgul S. ZHaksylykova, senior lecturer, disciplines: Kazakh language, professional Kazakh language.

Zaru T. Sagitzhanova, candidate of philological sciences, senior lecturer, disciplines: Russian language, professional Russian language.

Darya S. Surova, candidate of philological sciences, associate professor, disciplines: Russian language, professional Russian language.

Alia K. Bakieva, senior lecturer, disciplines: Kazakh language, professional Kazakh language

Altynay K. Smagul , senior lecturer, disciplines: Russian language, professional Russian language.