On 2-3 April, 2018, seminar on partnership of universities of the USA and RK, organized by the American Council for International Education and US Embassy, took place in Astana city.

D. Serikbayev EKSTU became one of the five universities of Kazakhstan invited to this event. Representatives of our university were Director of the Department Vice-rector for Internationalization and International Relationships, Talant Ryspaev, and Dean of the School of Business and Entrepreneurship, Zhadyra Konurbayeva.

From American side there were representatives of such universities as California State University – Long Beach, Lenigh University, Pennsylvania State University, Washington State University.

Purpose of the seminar was to coordinate efforts on internationalization of the Kazakhstani universities with the context and tendencies of the US universities to reduce barriers and identify opportunities of bilateral partner relationships, support development of strategies for internationalization of Kazakhstani universities; determine policy, administrative structures, financing, human resources, existing initiatives on support of the future partner relationships between universities of USA and Kazakhstan.

During the seminar representatives of our university determined prior directions of the academic and research cooperation between EKSTU and American universities.

Press service of D. Serikbayev EKSTU