In the solemn ceremony Nikolai Linok who is pro-rector of educational and methodical work and deans of faculty awarded 219 diplomas to graduates of students of master's degree of EKSTU named after D. Serikbayev. On behalf of Zhasulan Shaimardanov , who is the rector of the university and the whole staff of the university congratulated the students of master's degree with the momentous occasion.
- Today is a special day for you and for the University, - said Nikolai. - You are holding a document certifying the successful completion of university studies at the master's degree, which is on the list university leaders in Kazakhstan! You have received an excellent education, also everyone have brilliant opportunities in the future and you will be held as highly qualified specialists!
Parting words were sounded by deans of faculties. They noted that they proud of their alumnus and invite them to continue their studies in Ph.D. degree.
In reply, students of master's degree expressed their gratitude to the teachers and the management of EKSTU named after D. Serikbayev for years of study and promised to keep in touch with their native university.