On November 15, 2017 in the Column Hall of D.Serikbaev EKSTU hosted the International Round Table titled "Economic Aspects of Interaction of Border Territories: Russia and Kazakhstan", dedicated to the National Currency Day of the Republic of Kazakhstan and timed to the 60th anniversary of D.Serikbaev EKSTU. Representatives of the Altai State University (Barnaul, Russia), SB Sberbank JSC branch in Ust-Kamenogorsk, the invited foreign scientists, Doctor of Economics, professor R.A. Kostyrko, and Candidate of economic sciences, associate professor N.N. Koroleva, academic teaching staff, students and undergraduates of the School of Business and Entrepreneurship got involved in the event above.
The round table discussed issues of interstate cooperation in raising the level of investment literacy of the population, creating cross-border commercial ecosystems, strengthening the ties of the border area countries within the bounds of the Commonwealth. Representatives of SB "Sberbank" JSC held a guest lecture on theme "How to make a career in the SB Sberbank JSC".