D. Serikbayev East Kazakhstan Technical University with the support of the East Kazakhstan regional union of Architects of the Republic of Kazakhstan announces the International on-line competition of student projects in the field of urban planning, architecture and design"ALTYN SHANYRAK", dedicated to the 30th anniversary of the Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
Electronic versions of student course and creative projects of bachelor's and master's programmes are submitted to the competition according to the following nominations:
- 1. Urban planning (planning of urban and rural areas, urban planning complexes, landscape organization of public spaces) - https://forms.gle/npLToeXAesLP3aDV9
- 2. Architecture of residential buildings and complexes - https://forms.gle/gJo8Eh46FQ4XVEHTA
- 3. Architecture of public buildings and complexes - https://forms.gle/6oV7gxUvL21N9ZjP9
- 4. Interior design - https://forms.gle/sDK336PfZZDraXS5A
- 5. Design of the architectural environment: small architectural forms; public spaces in a city structure, landscaping of courtyards, theme parks and forest parks) - https://forms.gle/c457hFKC2Sj18GcD6
To register and participate in the competition, follow the link, select a nomination, fill out an application in Google form and attach the following documents:
- electronic version of a project;
- project annotation no more than 1 page A4 format (Word)
Requirements for an electronic copy of a student's work (project) - 300 pixel / inch, JPEG, high quality. If the submitted materials do not correspond to the requirements, projects are not considered.
Participants have the right to submit their course and creative projects in several nominations.
Participation in the competition is free from charge.
Working languages: Kazakh, English, Russian.
Important dates of the competition:
- Deadlines for submitting projects: November 20 - November 30, 2021
- Professional jury work: December 1 - December 12, 2021
- Announcement of Winners: December 15, 2021
Competition jury: The evaluation and awarding with diplomas of I, II, III degrees are done by an international professional jury, which includes the members of the organizing committee of the competition, the members of the Union of Architects of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the representatives of higher schools of the countries participating in the competition.
If any questions arise, contact the Moderators of the nominations.
- 1. Urban planning - moderator Elena Aleksandrovna Feoktistova, [email protected]
- 2. Architecture of residential buildings and complexes - moderator Bukhantseva Anna Evgenievna, [email protected]
- 3. Architecture of public buildings and complexes - moderator Bukhantseva Anna Evgenievna, [email protected]
- 4. Interior Design - moderator Alena Olegovna Weinberger, [email protected]
- 5. Design of Architectural Environment - moderator Alena Olegovna Weinberger, [email protected]
Awarding of participants
All the projects sent to the competition will receive certificates of participation; the winners will be awarded diplomas of I, II, III degrees. Student project supervisors will receive a competition diploma.
The originals of the competition diplomas are sent to the participants according to the postal addresses of their universities.
Nomination "Urban planning"
Nomination "Architecture of residential buildings and complexes"
Nomination "Architecture of public buildings and complexes"
Nomination "Interior Design", "Design of Architectural Environment"
Оригиналы дипломов конкурса направляются участникам на почтовые адреса вузов.
Электронные варианты сертификатов участников и дипломов победителей будут размещены на сайте, на вкладке международного конкурса 15 февраля 2022 года (по ссылке конкурса).
Address: Kazakhstan, 070004, Ust-Kamenogorsk, protozanov st., 69. D. Serikbayev East Kazakhstan technical university.