On February 4, 2023 there was a new meeting of the "SOLEIL" club. A new member of our club, a student from 22 MKK-1 group Амандыков Құдайберген, introduced himself in two languages: English and Japanese.

Students discussed books about love and motivation.

The leaders of our club, 22-ТФК-1 group student Болатбек Рауан and 22-ВТК-1 group student Сайлаубекова Наргиз, gave presentations about Әзілхан Нұршайықов's book "Махаббат, қызық мол жылдар."

Students of 22-ГДК-1 Конакбаев Нурболат and Мухамбетова Амина gave a presentation about different motivational books. It was a very interesting and friendly atmosphere. Students from the club inspire me. Men zhastarga senemin!

Saule Ualiyeva