The meeting of science intellectuals and students with Nobel Laureates was in D.Serikbaeva East-Kazakhstan state technical University. There were Nobel prize Laureates in chemistry Kurt Wyuthrich, Nobel Laureate of the World Svyatoslav Timashev and famous scientists Klaus Thiessen, Aleksey Kavokin and Jozeppe Aramo.
Akim of East Kazakhstan region Berdybek Saparbayev noted the symbolism of this meeting in one of the largest universities of Kazakhstan which prepare qualified science, engineering staff.
- A modern infrastructure of research and innovative activity is created and it works – said Berdybek Saparbayev. – These days D.Serikbayev EKSTU actively takes part in started events which was in the preparation of International exhibition “EXPO – 2017”.
The rector of D. Serikbayev EKSTU Nurlan Temirbekov warmly thanked Akim of East Kazakhstan region Berdybek Saparbayev and event organizers for the providing unique opportunity to meet students and scientific intellectuals of the region with outstanding scientists, Nobel Laureates is widely known its achievements and merits in the scientific world.
The communication with famous figures of science continued more an hour. During the meeting the guests were asked questions concerning the development of alternative energy, innovative technologies, knowledge in the field of physics and chemistry. In addition, famous scientists shared the secrets of their success in science.
- The main thing is a passion for the subject. If a person wants to understand something, it is a tremendous motive force. It should be taught in school – said Svyatoslav Timashev. The rest of the famous scientists agreed with him and said that curiosity necessarily must accompany this quality. In addition, scientists advised the young people necessarily to learn foreign languages. Possession of languages allows expanding the boundaries of obtaining the necessary information, communication with foreign scientists, allows you seamlessly became a part of the world scientific community.