National cup ENACTUS will take place in Astana on April 25-26. East Kazakhstan State Technical University named after D. Serikbayev is actively preparing for competitions.

Projects are implemented, team’s participants take courses to be able to present their university with dignity and win competition.

School of young entrepreneurs “Atameken” represented by the business-trainer of the Chamber of Entrepreneurs in East Kazakhstan Region, Talgat Kasenov, conducted courses for beginning startups. During the courses, every participant received basic knowledge of the conducting of his/her project. Also, the business-plans of all projects were presented. Students gained a lot of experience in the field of entrepreneurship and developed the leader skills.

During one month, student of Startup Academy of EKSTU named after D. Serikbayev will take courses of the public speaking from the GOODWILL center for preparation to the National competitions ENACTUS.

Master-classes will be conducted by the member of the Union of Russian Theater Workers, actress and director, Dana Turkliyeva. During the classes, students will know how to beautifully and effectively express their thoughts and more flexible orientate in the process of dialogue or monologue.

Within the framework of preparation to the National competitions, first master-class took place on March 31. Participants were told about the basics of public speaking, and after that everyone of them presented their story on the improvised scene.

On April 1, courses took place on the Equestrian Court with the support of one of the projects of Startup Academy - GoCamp - and its leader - Tahmina Merimbaeva. At the express master- class,  students had an opportunity to ask all questions of interest to them

We wish our students good luck in the hard struggle at the National ENACTUS Cup.